College Identification Cards: U.S. Campuses

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    > student handbook us edition

Note: Only Registered students may upload their images. If you registered today, you must wait for 24-hours to upload your image.

A college photo ID card must be obtained from Campus Security as soon as possible after arrival on campus. The ID card must be carried at all times while on campus and must be presented on demand to any college official. The card may be used to check-out library materials; entitles the holder to a discount or free entry to campus events; is needed to gain entry to all computer laboratories; and is needed to gain entry to residence halls. The first ID card is free of charge, but there is a fee for a replacement card. To replace a card, students must pay the appropriate fee at the Student Enrollment Center and bring the payment receipt and a current schedule of registered courses to the Office of Campus Security.

Students who are working from home can upload their own image to to have an ID card created. View instructions on submitting your own photo.

Long Island:
Simonson House

New York City:
1855 Broadway, First Floor

Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 2 – 8 p.m.