Rothstein Breaks Down New Injury Protocols
Wall Street Journal interviewed Instructor and Coordinator for the exercise science program Alexander Rothstein, Ed.D., regarding updated protocols for minor athletic injuries, like sprains and strains. While the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) was established decades ago to help relieve pain, swelling, and healing, Rothstein advises that newer methods are more beneficial. This includes the PEACE method (protection, elevation, avoid anti-inflammatories, compression, and education), which should be used no later than three days after the injury, and LOVE (load, optimism, vascularization, exercise), which should be applied four or five days later to help safely increase the weight placed on the affected area.
Regarding PEACE, Rothstein says, “Protection here simply means don’t do too much too soon, but also don’t get too comfortable being sedentary. It’s about finding that comfortable balance using gentle, functional movement focused on maintaining range of motion.” He adds that it’s crucial to keep the movement and exercises unloaded, or with reduced weight or pressure on the injured area.