Nadler Lends Expertise to PFAS Article

April 2, 2024

Forbes interviewed environmental health expert David Nadler, Ph.D., research assistant professor, about a new treatment technique that uses activated carbon to prevent “forever chemicals” (PFAS) from contaminating groundwater. Nadler notes that this process, which allows PFAS to be treated at the source (in-situ), shows great promise and is more effective than traditionally used pump-and-treat processes.

“Treating something at the source is better than pulling something out of the source and trying to treat it. It just takes a really long time [to pump, treat, and truck away contaminants]. By the time you notice results, you can have generations of people that are exposed,” says Nadler. “The world still lives in the pump-and-treat universe, but as [in-situ options] show more promise, you’re going to see more startups working on this. It will become more widely accepted.”