Misak Offers Perspective on Using AI in Writing, Publishing

February 29, 2024

Growing interest in using AI for publishing is bringing opportunities for writers and readers, but also triggers concerns, according to a story in PYMNTS. The proliferation of content on self-publishing platforms coincides with the widespread availability of AI applications powered by large language models. Some experts voice concern that AI will train its models using the work of the site’s authors without their knowledge and consent, and that AI-driven content also raises questions about authenticity and originality. Associate Professor John Misak notes that using AI to aid in writing is akin to deploying a grammar checker or having an editor take a hands-on approach to manuscript changes. But he question how AI will impact the publishing industry in readers’ eyes. “Will readers understand AI content comes from a few bad players, or will they think publishers en masse are guilty of fabrication?”  

This article also appeared in TechCodex.