
Faculty Accomplishments: College of Arts & Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences is excited to share recent accomplishments from our faculty and staff members.

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Accomplishments are listed by date of achievement in reverse chronological order, with the most recent first.

All Recent Accomplishments

Pejman Sanaei, Ph.D., assistant professor of mathematics, gave a talk and chaired a focus session at the American Physical Society March Meeting on March 17, 2021.

Yusui Chen, Ph.D., assistant professor of physics, gave a talk about the research on superconducting piezoelectric-optomechanical materials at the American Physical Society March Meeting on March 17, 2021.

Yusui Chen, Ph.D., assistant professor of physics, published an article entitled “Impact of the central frequency of environment on non-Markovian dynamics in piezoelectric optomechanical devices” in Scientific Reports on March 10, 2021. This research work, co-authored by Peng Zhao, a New York Tech CoECS master's student and research assistant in the lab of Aydin Farajidavar, Ph.D., discovers a quantitative relation between the central frequency of the environment and the behavior of quantum entanglement in the steady-state of the piezoelectric optomechanical devices in the presence of a non-Markovian environment, which can be applied in the fields of electric/ optical switches and implantable devices, and long-distance distribution in a large-scale quantum network.

Kevin LaGrandeur, Ph.D., professor of English, chaired a panel and gave a presentation, “Are We Ready for Direct Brain Links to AI and Implanted Memory Chips?,” at the Conference on Human Enhancement: Cognitive, Moral and Mood on March 2, 2021. The conference was based in Belgrade, Serbia and sponsored by The Center for the Study of Bioethics and the University of Oxford's Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities.

Pejman Sanaei, Ph.D., assistant professor of mathematics, had his research paper, “Flight Stability of Wedges,” published in the Journal of Fluids and Structure on January 25, 2021.

Pejman Sanaei, Ph.D., assistant professor of mathematics, with his students from New York Tech, Mikhail Smirnov, Daniel Chin, and Hamad El Kahza, presented three talks at the 14th Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter (NCS14) Workshop on January 15, 2021.

Lissi Athanasiou-Krikelis, Ph.D., associate professor of English, published a book review on January 1, 2021 of God's Wife by Amanda Michalopoulou. The book review appeared in the Winter issue of World Literature Today.

Pejman Sanaei, Ph.D., assistant professor of mathematics, had his paper "Open capillary siphons," published in Fluid Mechanics RAPIDS on December 9, 2020.

Kate E. O’Hara, Ph.D., associate professor of interdisciplinary studies, published her chapter, “Bring Us Back: Photographs for Meaning Making and Knowledge Production,” in the edited volume, Doing Authentic Inquiry to Improve Learning and Teaching, published by Brill Publishing on December 7, 2020. O’Hara’s chapter is narrative style, relating the process and pedagogical methods for engaging students in critical reflection, meaning-making, and knowledge production through the use of visual and textual heuristics.

Pejman Sanaei, Ph.D., assistant professor of mathematics, with his students from New York Tech, Mikhail Smirnov, Dave Persaud, Hamad El Kahza, Tanvi Patel and former students from NYU, Daniel Chin and Michael Yue Li, presented five talks at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Physics Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics on November 22-24, 2020.