
Faculty Accomplishments: College of Arts & Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences is excited to share recent accomplishments from our faculty and staff members.

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Accomplishments are listed by date of achievement in reverse chronological order, with the most recent first.

All Recent Accomplishments

Joanne S. Grasso, D.A., adjunct associate professor in social sciences, published her second book, George Washington's 1790 Grand Tour of Long Island, on July 9, 2018. Grasso is scheduled to follow up the publication with multiple public book talks in New York City and Long Island.

John Hanc, M.A., associate professor of communication arts, had his article, "Athletic and autistic, Long Island man is outrunning expectations," published as the cover story of the LI Life section of Newsday, on July 7, 2018. The story focuses on a severely autistic 28-year-old who happens to be an extremely talented distance runner, and how two top local runners have devoted their time and energies to helping him.

Claude E. Gagna, Ph.D., associate professor of life sciences, published an article, "Tinea (Pityriasis) Obscurans: Don't Ignore the Spore!," in SKINmed, a peer-reviewed publication, on July 1, 2018. Gagna is examining the presence of fungal organisms (i.e., dermatophytes) that have infiltrated human skin, and trying to determine how their genomes (i.e., DNA, RNA) changes during the dermatophytes life cycle in human skin. Understanding the location and amounts of different types of nucleic acids in the fungal organisms will allow for the development of drugs to fight this skin disorder.

Anthony DiMatteo, Ph.D., professor of English, had three poems published on the theme of the power of words and the metaphor of translation in the international journal Levure littéraire on June 29, 2018.

Melda N. Yildiz, Ed.D., assistant professor and chair of the Department of Instructional Technology, co-presented a poster, "Research: Multilingual Multicultural Multimedia: Globally Connected Mobile Learning Projects," at ISTE 2018, June 24, in Chicago, Ill. Her co-presenters included NYIT MSIT graduate Juliet Boone, Fitsum Boone, and Daeon Lynch.

John Hanc, M.A., associate professor of communication arts, was honored at this year's Press Club of Long Island Media Award ceremony, held on June 7, 2018. Hanc won First Place—Humor Narrative for "He Dumps Trash Can Liner, Faster Time is in the Bag," a column about how he and the NYC Marathon had changed since he last ran the race 30 years ago; Second Place—Lifestyle Feature Narrative for "Scout on a Mission: Troop Turns Back Time," about a local Boy Scout who discovered and restored an overgrown 18th century family cemetery; and Second Place—Profile Narrative for "A Soldier's Art Draws on His WW I Service," the story of Salvatore Cillis, who recounted his war experiences in a series of illustrated letters that were displayed at the New York Historical Society. All of the articles were published in Newsday, where Hanc is a contributing writer.

Carol Dahir, Ed.D., adjunct professor and chair of the Department of School Counseling, co-authored a paper, "Assessing the Counseling and Non-Counseling Roles of School Counselors," on June 1, 2018.

Susana Case, Ph.D., professor of behavioral sciences, has had her poetry published spring semester 2018 in Calyx, 2 Bridges Review, Muse, Dash, Inscape, Rhino, and other literary journals.

Lynn Rogoff, M.F.A., adjunct associate professor of English, gave the closing keynote speech at Creative Tech Week (CTW) at the NYIT Auditorium on Broadway on May 11, 2018. Also as part of CTW, she gave a demonstration at the Hive of the VR Endanger Game series that was incubated on an NYIT Institutional Support for Research and Creativity (ISRC) grant.

Claude E. Gagna, Ph.D., associate professor of life sciences, published an article, "How sildenafil (Viagra®) may cause melanoma: a histopathologic study providing a potential physiological/etiopathological mechanism," in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, a peer-reviewed publication, in May 2018. Gagna and his co-authors are the first group to show actual histopathological data to support the idea that Viagra and other similar drugs may cause skin cancer in men who use this drug.