Call for Applications: High-Impact Course Redesign

In NYIT’s strategic plan, we prioritize incorporating high-impact educational practices (HIPs) into our curricula, making them a graduation requirement and a defining feature of an NYIT education. The most effective HIPs structure activities that challenge students to invest time and effort in purposeful task, interact with faculty and peers, receive frequent feedback and guidance about their work, connect disciplinary content with real-world experiences, and encourage reflective writing.

The Center for Teaching and Learning is inviting applications for a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) for the 2017–18 academic year. This FLC will comprise an interdisciplinary group of 6–8 faculty members who will meet regularly as each individual works to transform a course using high impact educational practices.

Participants will apply a combination of pedagogy and technology design strategies as they redesign their courses. The FLC allows opportunity for shared discussion with a network of supportive colleagues who are also engaged in similar work.


If you are interested in designing HIPs in your classes, we encourage you to apply! Applications are due March 1, and should be submitted by email to Jacqueline Jacoby ( Download the application form at–18FLCapp.

Still deciding?

Come to an information session (no RSVP required):

Thursday, 2/2/2017 12:30–1:30 p.m. EGGC 701 / HJSH DL–1
Thursday 2/9/2017 12:30–1:30 p.m. EGGC 704 / HJSH DL–3
Tuesday 2/21/2017 5:00–6:00 p.m. Zoom (

For more information, contact Fran Glazer (