Overhead view of Castel del Monte


Stereotomy 2.0: Documentary Viewing and Discussion of Castel del Monte

April 19, 2018
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

16 W. 61st St., 11th Floor Auditorium
New York, NY

The documentary Castel del Monte: New Investigations on the Functional Hypothesis of the Monument, edited by researchers Giuseppe Fallacara, visiting professor at NYIT, and Ubaldo Occhinegro, collects and condenses nine years of investigations conducted within the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari, on the real function of the castle of Emperor Frederick II, which is the symbol of the Puglia region throughout the world. The documentary is divided into two sections: the first part concerns the functional hypothesis on the Castel del Monte, while the second contains an evocative analysis of the possible connections between the monument and the enigmatic (and still undecipherable) manuscript of Voynich. This version of the documentary is in English. A discussion will follow with the authors in Italian and English.

See the Instituo Italiano di Cultura's Event Listing

The event features:

  • Presenter and moderator of the evening, NYIT Professor Angela Amoia.
  • Authors Giuseppe Fallacara and Ubaldo Occhinegro with the geologist of the Apulian aqueduct Alfredo De Giovanni