The letters DEI with health science students in the background


2024 Long Island Conference on Health Equity

June 11, 2024
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Riland, Auditorium
Long Island, NY

Faculty, staff, and students, on behalf of the Nassau County Department of Health and the College of Osteopathic Medicine, you are invited to the 2024 Long Island Conference on Health Equity, scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, at the New York Institute of Technology's Long Island campus.

This conference aims to address crucial issues surrounding health equity and to provide valuable insights into combating disparities in healthcare access and outcomes. This year's theme is "Building Resilient Communities, Navigating Paths to Health Equity."

The conference will be divided into two sessions:

Morning Session

  • Networking breakfast.
  • Keynote address by Brian Harper, vice president, equity and inclusion, and chief medical officer at New York Institute of Technology.
  • Panel discussion featuring leading experts in the fields of the social determinants of health.
  • Remarks from Vanessa Baird Streeter, newly appointed CEO and president of the Health and Welfare Council of Long Island.

Afternoon Session

Community Action Poverty Simulation: The Poverty Simulation offers participants an immersive experience that sheds light on the social, emotional, and economic struggles faced by individuals living in poverty. By simulating the complexities of managing limited resources, participants gain valuable insights that can significantly impact their approach to patient care and client services.

CAPS is not a game. It is based on real Community Action clients and their lives. CAPS exists to:

Promote Poverty Awareness - During the simulation, role-play a month in poverty and experience low-income families' lives.

Increase Understanding - After the simulation, you will unpack your learning and brainstorm community change.

Inspire Local Change - Together, you can be a voice to end poverty in your family, friends, and community.

Transform Perspectives - The goal of CAPS is to shift the paradigm about poverty away from being seen as a personal failure and toward the understanding of poverty as structural, a failure of society.

We sincerely hope that you will join us for this important event. We encourage you to share this invitation with others whom you believe would benefit from attending. Please use the button below for more information and to register.

You may register for Session I, Session II, or both. Lunch will be provided to those participating in the Poverty Simulation.