Wolfram Language


Wolfram Language for Beginners

October 3, 2019
12:45 PM – 2:20 PM

Harry J. Schure Hall, room 211
Long Island, NY

To assist community members in integrating Wolfram Language (WL) into their coursework, projects, and research, we are offering two workshops in October, the first on our Long Island campus:

Wolfram Language for Beginners
October 3, 12:45 – 2:20 p.m.
Harry Schure Hall, room 211
Speaker: Roger Yu, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, New York Tech

Find out how Wolfram Language can benefit research and projects in a wide range of disciplines. Roger Yu will share cross-disciplinary case studies using WL and findings from the three-week WL summer program he attended.

A second workshop will take place on our New York City campus:

Hands-On Start to Wolfram Mathematica (Wolfram Language)
October 17, 11:30 a.m. – 2:20 p.m.
Edward Guiliano Global Center, 1855 Broadway, room 606
Speaker: Kelvin Mischo, Certified Mathematica Trainer

Wolfram Research’s Kelvin Mischo will share information on Mathematica 12, providing current users with an overview of new functionality and new users with an overview of the software and underlying language. Content will be presented completely in Mathematica, and attendees will work through the examples with the instructor to gain experience in the software and underlying language.

About Wolfram

Mathematica, Mathematica Online, and Wolfram|Alpha Pro (Pro version of WolframAlpha.com) are exciting technology resources now available to all New York Tech faculty, staff, and students. They comprise a series of tools including the world’s largest integrated web of algorithms and customized, interactive visuals and data that support the computational thinking and technical computing that our students will need to thrive in their future endeavors.

For more information, contact Roger Yu at ryu@nyit.edu.