Media Coverage

Oct 23, 2019

The IDC Foundation has granted $130,000 to NYIT School of Architecture and Design in support of scholarships, fellowships and travel-related student experiences, including faculty-led international-thesis and summer study-abroad programs, according to InnovateLI.

This marks the second straight year that the foundation has awarded a grant to NYIT School of Architecture and Design. “The international travel programs … prepare our graduates to be global citizens, ready for evolving 21st century careers,” Dean Maria Perbellini noted. “The IDC Foundation grant helps our students participate in innovative and immersive, hands-on learning and professional-growth experiences.”


Nizich in Techopedia: Easy Steps to Clean Your Virtual Desktop

Oct 23, 2019

In honor of “National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day," which occurs in the middle of October, an article in Techopedia offers five easy steps to get it done. Michael Nizich, ETIC director and adjunct professor of computer science, offers ways to increase efficiency and decrease security risks.

“Your productivity and work efficiency could slow down to a crawl if your desktop is not properly managed,” he explains. “A poorly maintained desktop leads to longer times to locate files, editing the wrong file, deleting the right file and essentially leads to needing to spend more time finding your work than working on it.”

“Eliminate the amount of shortcuts that are located on your desktop to gain access to specific programs,” Nizich says, and for frequently used apps, “place those on the taskbar (on a Mac, this is the dock) at the bottom or to the left or right of your screen to provide easy access to them.”  

And, if you insist of keeping everything on your virtual desktop, Nizich recommends another option. Create folders, and then move all of the associated documents into those folders. “Instead of having, for example, 300 documents on your desktop, you might have 10 folders each with 30 documents or program  icons, making it much easier for you to locate your files,” he says.


Cao Quoted on AI and Speech Technology in Academia

Oct 21, 2019

Houwei Cao, Ph.D., assistant professor of computer science, was quoted in a Speech Technology Magazine story on the growing number of colleges and universities offering an AI curriculum. Cao notes that AI classes are no longer solely for graduate students, or only offered at schools specializing in high-tech. “Nowadays, more and more schools start offering introductory-level AI and machine learning course for undergraduate students,” she says.


Sports Medicine Expert Explains Alcohol’s Role in Dehydration

Oct 20, 2019

Comments from Hallie Zwibel, D.O., director, NYIT Center for Sports Medicine, on the impact of alcohol and dehydration were included in a story by The Cheat Sheet. Zwibel’s insights, which first published in and Huffington Post, pay particular attention to the effect of alcohol on the kidneys, which play a vital role in maintaining hydration. He states, “Alcohol causes the kidneys to release more water through urine than we would normally. So now you’re losing water through sweat [from the heat] and urine, which can make you dehydrated and unable to cool down.”


Donoghue Gives Tips on Metabolic Testing in Women’s Health Magazine

Oct 19, 2019

Joanne Donoghue, Ph.D., associate professor and director of clinical research at NYITCOM, was quoted in a Women’s Health story on metabolic testing. In the article, she warns consumers against body composition tests that claim to predict resting metabolic rate, stating:

“There are body composition tests like hand-held dynamometers or scales that try to predict RMR, [but those] are prediction values and some more accurate than others. Indirect calorimetry, when done correctly, has the least amount of error.”


Oct 18, 2019

Long Island media outlets, including Newsday, Long Island Business News, and The Island Now, have covered the appointment of Pennie S. Turgeon to vice president of information technology and chief information officer, effective October 1, 2019.


Ferrucci Gives Advice for First-Time Credit Applicants

Oct 18, 2019

Senior Director of Financial Aid Rosemary Ferrucci is cited as an expert in WalletHub, where she discusses what kinds of credit cards are best for first-time applicants. “First credit cards should not be with a store, but rather a broad-based credit card (Discover, Mastercard, Visa, etc.). There would be no need for more than one card to start,” she advises.

She adds, “For a first timer, a healthy skepticism, aggressive personal watchfulness, and strict budgeting will establish both good credit ratings and bigger opportunities. Do not assume a credit card company is looking out for your best interest.”


Meyland in Newsday About Drinking Water Standards

Oct 16, 2019

Citing widespread water contamination in public wells and the difficulty in removing it, Long Island water providers threatened to implement dramatic water conservation measures unless the state issues a delay in new drinking water standards, according to an article in Newsday.

More than a dozen water district representatives requested a delay or phase-in of the state's new standards at a meeting of the state's advisory Drinking Water Quality Council. Superintendents said they would shut down wells rather than issue notices to the public saying they were in violation, according to the article. However, environmental advocates said the state should implement the drinking water standard as quickly as possible to protect public health.

"I believe the solution is to actually treat the groundwater supply like the limited and invaluable resource it is," said Sarah Meyland, a council member and director of the Center for Water Resources Management at New York Institute of Technology. "It means a full-out effort to do all things we can reasonably do to manage it."


Nizich on Hacking Threats in Long Island Press

Oct 15, 2019

The growth in hacking of computers at companies across LI and the nation is growing, and has spread to include ransomware. Only a handful of companies on Long Island are fully engaged in anti-cyber hacking, according to an article in Long Island Press.

The article cites New York Institute of Technology as one of only three schools in the region offering courses in anti-hacking.  New York Tech, Pace University and NYU are certified by the National Security Agency and the Homeland Security Department to offer such courses. The three are among some 220 across the country also similarly certified.

More companies and qualified people will be moving into the field in the next few years, says Michael Nizich, director of the university’s Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center. Nizich is optimistic about an eventual solution. “There’s a clear path of history that says this doesn’t go on forever,” Nizich says.


Gugliotti Corrects Poor Posture on National News

Oct 09, 2019

CBS National News came to campus on Tuesday, October 8 to interview Mark Gugliotti, D.P.T., associate professor of physical therapy, on the importance of proper posture.The news segment, which aired on CBS network affiliates across the U.S. and also appeared online, centered on a new study by Orlando Health, which found that less than half of Americans are concerned about the musculoskeletal effects of improper posture.

As Gugliotti addresses in the segment, one of the many ways that Americans literally “fall” into the habit of poor posture is when desktop work stations do not support their height, reach, and other specific bodily measurements. Gugliotti advises that workers keep their arms, hips, and knees positioned at a 90-degree angle in their chairs, and their reach at an arm’s length from the monitor. Doing so, he notes, can reduce unnecessary and harmful stress on the body’s joints, muscles, and nerves. The story also explained the impact of smart phone usage, which tends to place additional stress on the neck when users bend their head downward to view their screens.