Media Coverage

Nutrition Expert Featured in LIVESTRONG

Sep 09, 2020 featured comments from nutrition expert Mindy Haar, Ph.D., clinical associate professor and chair of interdisciplinary health sciences, in a story on appetite control and hidden ingredients. Haar notes that processed foods may increase chances of consuming extra calories, stating:

“Many food manufacturers play to our natural craving by overprocessing foods with copious amounts of fat and sugar. Instead of products that are satisfying and filling, they are instead almost irresistible, making it difficult to stop after a moderate amount is consumed, playing havoc on appetite control.”


Haar Quoted on Benefits of Cauliflower

Sep 02, 2020

Nutrition expert Mindy Haar, Ph.D., clinical associate professor and chair of interdisciplinary health sciences, was quoted in the Beachbody blog on the health benefits of cauliflower. As noted in the story, determining whether a food is healthy is as simple as considering its nutrient density — the ratio of beneficial nutrients to the calorie content. Haar states, “Cauliflower ranks super high by this parameter,” clocking in at just 27 calories per cup, while providing dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron.

She also adds that cauliflower can make it easier to cook healthy meals at home. “Aside from providing essential nutrients, cauliflower can be used in cooking in a myriad of ways to substitute for less nutrition-packed ingredients,” she says. “This can lead to an overall reduction of calories and fat in daily intake — especially since cauliflower is filling and can increase satiety.”


InnovateLI Reports on Computer Science NSF Grants

Aug 27, 2020

As seen in InnovateLI, two researchers from NYIT College of Engineering and Computing Sciences have received National Science Foundation (NSF) grants that will help fuel the next wave of artificial intelligence (AI) innovation. Supported by a grant for nearly $100,000, one research project led by Houwei Cao, Ph.D., assistant professor of computer science, aims to help machines detect human emotions, as they occur in real life, by gathering data from multiple forms of human emotion, such as facial expression, body movement, gestures, and speech. The other project, led by Assistant Professor of Computer Science Jerry Cheng, Ph.D., has secured $60,000 in NSF funding. Cheng’s project, which includes collaborators from leading universities, aims to design more efficient and secure deep learning processing machines, known as AI accelerators, that can reliably process and interpret extremely large-scale sets of data with little delay. Both projects will also allow New York Tech students to work alongside the faculty members and contribute to solving complex tasks associated with collecting valuable data and developing cutting-edge technologies.


INSIGHT Into Diversity Recognizes Girls in Engineering and Technology Day

Aug 18, 2020

Girls in Engineering and Technology Day, a program led by NYIT College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, was named one of INSIGHT Into Diversity’s 2020 Inspiring Programs in STEM. The accolade recognizes unique and innovative efforts that aim to improve access to science, technology, engineering, and math for underrepresented students. Programs are recognized for their efforts to introduce and encourage students of all ages and at all levels of education to pursue exciting academic opportunities and careers in these vital disciplines.

More than 100 girls from high schools in the New York area visited New York Tech for the 2019 Girls in Engineering and Technology Day. The event allowed girls who had no prior experience with advanced STEM skills to learn about software development, drones, and cybersecurity. Attendees were able to interact with industry representatives from leading companies such as IBM as well as student volunteers. The day also featured keynote speakers who delivered inspiring talks about their experiences as leaders in tech and other STEM fields.


Cheng Comments on Pandemic Data Storage Adoption in TechTarget

Aug 13, 2020

TechTarget included expert comments from Jerry Cheng, Ph.D., assistant professor of computer science, in a story on data storage adoption and the COVID-19 pandemic. As the article notes, due to the increased number of remote employees, data center and storage administrators are turning to cloud services, remote management, and automation to overcome today's COVID-19 challenges. Cheng, whose research interests include big data analytics, artificial intelligence, data mining, statistical modeling, and high-performance computing, comments on the role of cloud services can be a valuable asset for organizations making the transition to a remote workforce.

"Cloud storage services provide easy-to-use interfaces, elastic storage capacities, and disaster tolerance capabilities," said Cheng, as organizations can buy the most appropriate cloud storage service based on their actual demands at a reasonable price, and cloud data centers can be easily upgraded or downgraded without worrying about maintaining the physical storage infrastructure. "Cloud data centers significantly reduce the entry bar for small organizations and are attracting more users to shift from on-premises data centers to the cloud," he adds.


Kirk Lends Consumer Behavior Expertise to VICE Story on Odd Pandemic Purchases

Aug 12, 2020

As seen in VICE, Colleen Kirk, Ph.D., associate professor of marketing and consumer behavior expert, comments on why peculiar fish-shaped flip-flops have become the pandemic's unexpected shopping trend due to psychological ownership. Kirk notes that when consumers feel as though they lack control in one area, they may exert their control in other domains, including shopping.

"For example, if our usual outlets for socializing and having fun are unavailable to us, we might be inclined to purchase things that are more fun and frivolous than we might otherwise purchase," she said. "In addition to making us happy, these purchases give us an illusion of control in a world where we may not actually have much as much control as we are used to."

Entertainment website The Daily Dot also referenced Kirk's comments in a similar article on yet another unusual trend, the strawberry dress. 


Glazer Joins Discussion About Preparing for an Uncertain Fall

Aug 11, 2020

Francine Glazer, associate provost for educational innovation and director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, participated in a virtual forum moderated by editorial staff at The Chronicle of Higher Education. The hour-long forum’s theme was “Preparing Instructors for an Uncertain Fall” and featured teaching and learning experts from various universities across the country. The Chronicle’s Brock Read interviewed Everspring’s Brook Corwin and New York Tech’s Glazer beginning at 31:20 (free registration is required to view the forum). Glazer discussed various topics including blended learning, instructional technology and assessment.


Paleontology Research Met with Widespread Media Acclaim

Aug 11, 2020

As seen in the New York Post, Fox News, USA Today,, and other prominent media outlets, an NYITCOM-Arkansas researcher has published anatomy findings that suggest an ancient ‘terror crocodile’ with teeth the ‘size of bananas’ once roamed the US. The study poses that the creature lived between 75 and 82 million years ago, when the country was split by the Western Interior Seaway, an ocean that once covered many Southern and Midwestern states, as well as parts of central Canada and the eastern portion of Mexico.

“Deinosuchus was a giant that must have terrorized dinosaurs that came to the water’s edge to drink,” said Adam Cossette, Ph.D., assistant professor of Basic Sciences at NYITCOM-Arkansas, and co-author of the study, in the New York Post. “Until now, the complete animal was unknown. These new specimens we’ve examined reveal a bizarre, monstrous predator with teeth the size of bananas.”


Beheshti Shares IoT Security Expertise on Podcast

Aug 10, 2020

Babak D. Beheshti, Ph.D., dean of NYIT College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, shared his expertise about Internet of Things (IoT) security in a podcast with Cybercrime Magazine. He discussed the current state of security relative to device manufacturers and consumers, and what the expansion of 5G will mean for IoT security. “The dramatic expansion of bandwidth in 5G creates additional bandwidth to launch more persistent and numerous attacks,” he said, adding that the lack of regulations for 5G security, and for IoT security in general, contributed to 2019 being considered the worst year for cyber attacks. Beheshti also covered trends, such as combining IoT with AI and blockchain, and spoke to what the future holds, especially in light of the “work from home” new normal. The additional reliance on technology to communicate sensitive data means the attack surface will be increased, he noted, adding that “the need for a more robust IoT security approach will be even more paramount.”


Molnar Comments on Aquatic Evolution in New York Times

Aug 08, 2020

Julia Molnar, Ph.D., assistant professor of anatomy, was quoted in the New York Times on marine evolution research from the National University of La Plata. The research, which analyzed the flippers of living and extinct marine animals, shows that these appendages may have formed from multidigit limbs that slowly transformed into the more mitten-like flippers that we know today. Molnar, who was not one of the study's investigators but has conducted similar research, commented on the use of a technique called network analysis, which was used to compare and contrast anatomical differences. As Molnar notes, anatomists are using the technique to investigate “one of the oldest and most confounding problems in biology: the evolutionary relationship between structure and function.”