Media Coverage

Nada Anid Op-Ed Published by

May 25, 2017

In an op-ed published by, Nada Marie Anid, Dean, NYIT School of Engineering and Computer Sciences, discusses the need for the Trump administration to stand behand women in STEM, stating that no matter who is in the White House, addressing this challenge must be a key priority.

Anid makes the case for women in STEM, stating that while women hold nearly 60 percent of the nation's bachelor’s degrees, they account for only 13 percent of computer science graduates, with computer science consistently having the lowest share of female bachelor's degree-earners of any STEM field. This alarming disparity comes at a time when the skills of computer science graduates are needed to combat threats to cybersecurity, says Anid.

“The effects of the STEM gap on our national security are just as troubling. At a time when our power grid, financial institutions, and even our political system are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattack, more than 200,000 cybersecurity positions remain unfilled throughout the country,” says Anid. “And yet, computer science consistently has the lowest share of female bachelor's degree-earners of any STEM field. Women, in other words, represent an extraordinary reservoir of untapped talent for countering the threats posed by cyber warfare.”


Rock Steady Boxing NYIT Makes Headlines in Newsday

May 20, 2017

Newsday recently featured Rock Steady Boxing NYIT on the cover of LI Life, a section in its Sunday newspaper. Following the workout of boxer, Rosilind “Ros” Drukker, the story, which also included a photo essay and online article (subscription required), demonstrated how the non-contact boxing based fitness curriculum empowers Parkinson’s disease patients to fight back against the debilitating illness. In addition to interviews with Drukker, first-year NYITCOM student Kirtan Patel and Adena Leder, (D.O. '99), assistant professor, NYITCOM and director of the Parkinson’s Treatment Center at the Old Westbury campus, discuss the impact of the program on the lives of patients.

“A lot of Parkinson’s patients don’t want to do physical therapy because it makes them play the ‘sick’ role,” Leder said. The program, which began in September with five patients and has grown to nearly 90, “gives them somewhere to go,” she said. “Many of these patients are socially isolated, and some of them don’t leave their house. Many of them have formed bonds with one another, and they’ve made connections.”​


Fairbairn Offers Summer Travel Advice

May 17, 2017

Alan Fairbairn, associate professor in the School of Management, is featured as a tourism expert in a WalletHub post about summer travel within the United States. Fairbairn offers general advice about factors to consider when seeking a travel destination, mistakes to avoid, airline frustrations, and other questions.

“By all indications,” he says, “the U.S. travel industry should do well this summer, with hotels and airlines enjoying high occupancies and full flights.”


La Grandeur Discusses Job-Stealing Robots in Letter to The Chronicle of Higher Education

May 12, 2017

In a letter published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, NYIT English Professor Kevin La Grandeur, Ph.D., discusses the threat of automation to American jobs. In his letter, La Grandeur emphasizes the need to distinguish between the dangers of technological unemployment in the short term and the long term, citing relevant examples from previous technological revolutions and what other governments are currently doing to address potential technological unemployment.

"In the three industrial revolutions we have had since the 18th century, the process of creative destruction kicked in only after a generation of worker suffering — about 25 years," says La Grandeur. "So we need to have short-run fixes for that kind of interval now."

La Grandeur's letter was also featured on the artificial intelligence blog, Hack Education


May 10, 2017

NYIT School of Engineering and Computing Sciences assistant professor Aydin Farajidavar’s first-of-its-kind portable wireless device that can monitor the stomach’s bioelectrical activity is featured in an Innovate LI article, “Belly up: NYIT Monitor is a Gastric Breakthrough.” According to the article, the system includes a portable module that wirelessly transmits data to computers that can display the information in real time and store it for future analysis. It was developed by Farajidavar and gastroenterologists from the University of Louisville School of Medicine, with the help of three NYIT graduate engineering students and a postdoctoral fellow.

“From an engineering perspective, we know that the wireless device works effectively,” Farajidavar said. “The system can help us to better understand the effect of electrical stimulation on gastric contractions and to examine a variety of hypotheses about the gastric activity.” He presented the study’s findings at a poster session the world's largest gathering of physicians, researchers, and industry in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy, and gastrointestinal surgery.

Additional coverage about the study also appeared in Medical Xpress.


GoodCall Cites Amy Bravo on Internships

May 09, 2017

Senior Director of International & Experiential Education Amy Bravo informs GoodCall readers about the value of internships for graduates now entering the job market.

Bravo notes that, besides practical skills students can gain via internships, self-assurance is also a skill. “Many employers say an important skill that students lack is confidence, a belief in what they can do on the job,” Bravo reveals. “Students who complete internships have a big advantage – they know what they can do because they’ve done it.”


"The Academic Minute" Shares Cohn’s Research

May 09, 2017

Associate Professor of Marketing Deborah Y. Cohn, Ph.D., shares her research on an episode of “The Academic Minute” podcast. The brief podcast appears Monday through Friday on Inside Higher Education; it is also broadcast on public radio stations nationwide.

Cohn’s research on why people intentionally give bad gifts tells a story of oppressive expectations, self-interest, ego, indifference, and outright malice. To fight gift buyers’ bad impulses, Cohn recommends that marketers and retailers “employ seasonal ‘gift experts’ to counsel shoppers before they buy.” She also suggests that retailers “provide an easy and rewarding way to donate bad gifts to charity.” Such moves allow people to feel good about retailers in spite of offensive or unsuitable gifts.

Cohn’s “Academic Minute” also appears as the closing segment of radio program and podcast “The Best of Our Knowledge” (episode 1396) produced at public radio station WAMC in Albany. The show highlights recent research and other issues relevant to colleges and universities.


May 08, 2017

ABC 7 New York recently covered a moving Body Donor Ceremony orchestrated by students and faculty of the NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, in honor of the 38 men and women who donated their bodies to medicine.

Acknowledging their "first patients," students praised the donors for providing a foundation for medical education. In this video, students can be seen placing flowers near the base of a newly planted ash maple tree, dedicated to the generous individuals who gave the gift of knowledge.


Khorsandi Discusses Fads in Building Design

May 02, 2017

Wired includes comments by NYIT School of Architecture and Design Adjunct Assistant Professor Sean Khorsandi in a story about a new building in the Netherlands that incorporates emoji in its façade.

Disagreeing with the idea behind the emoji-marked building, Khorsandi says, “Architecture is serious. We’re using copious materials, and we’re taking up land. There is a responsibility that goes along with that. If everything is a joke, reduced to this disposable ‘I like it in the moment’ fad, that’s a dangerous attitude to have.”

A similar article also appeared in Boing Boing.


WalletHub Shares Scillitoe’s Expert Advice

May 01, 2017

Personal finance website WalletHub features NYIT School of Management Associate Professor Joanne Scillitoe as an expert on entrepreneurship. Among other topics, Scillitoe advises prospective entrepreneurs to “proceed with your eyes wide open.” She also discusses sources of funding; launching a business in a big city; ways state and local governments can stimulate business development; sectors she considers ripe for disruption; and common mistakes entrepreneurs make.

Regarding entrepreneurship in a big city, Scillitoe says, “Big cities are advantageous because they offer more contacts that can support, complement, or invest in new ventures. However, some networks, even in big cities, are not open to all, so larger doesn't always mean better or more opportunities.”