Media Coverage

Enrollment Management VP on the “New Normal”

Apr 12, 2021

As Long Island universities enter a second year managing the COVID-19 pandemic, Vice President for Enrollment Management Joseph Posillico, Ed.D., CPA, joined a panel of enrollment experts for the Herald Inside LI webinar series “Staying Local for College.”

An LI Herald article features panelists’ reflections on the last year and how many of the changes they made to meet required public safety measures are here to stay. “We have entered into the new normal … We are not the same institution and we are all going to see even more flexibility in the coming fall months for students,” said Posillico. “If a student misses a class, it will be offered online … That’s the big key that we will be seeing more of from now on.” 


Newsday Quotes Counseling and Wellness Director

Apr 11, 2021

An article in Newsday explores how online instruction during the pandemic has impacted students with disabilities and includes commentary from Michael Schneider, New York Tech director of Counseling and Wellness. "If someone has anxiety, there is a good chance it will increase based on what is going on around them," he said. But students could newly experience "sadness, anxiety and depression that grow out of the circumstances of the pandemic, the isolation."


Apr 09, 2021

Long Island Business News (LIBN) has featured Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Junius J. Gonzales, M.D., M.B.A., in the publication’s annual “Who’s Who in Leaders in Education” special section. A profile of Gonzales appears alongside several of the region’s top higher education leaders, who discuss initiatives to provide a meaningful student experience at each of their institutions. The coverage highlights Gonzales’s vast academic affairs experience and achievements at New York Tech, which include faculty development and student success initiatives like the Achieving Collegiate Excellence (ACE) program.

“New York Tech is guided by a ‘three-legged stool’ model for student success: enhancing growth mindset, providing students with a sense of belonging, and values affirmation to support equity and achievement for everyone. Simply stated, students first — it’s why we’re here,” said Gonzales.


Beach Body Quotes Haar on Benefits of Fiber

Apr 09, 2021

The Beach Body blog shared insight from Mindy Haar, Ph.D. clinical associate professor and department chair of interdisciplinary health sciences, on the benefits of fiber. As Haar explains, while your body digests and uses nutrients like fats, protein, and minerals, most fiber is not metabolized in your gastrointestinal system. Instead, it “acts as a broom to help remove waste products from the body,” she explains. In addition to recommending food swaps to increase daily fiber intake, Haar also notes how fiber can be beneficial for digestion and overall gut health.

“Fiber acts as a prebiotic, boosting the proliferation of probiotics in the intestine,” she says. “There are many kinds of probiotics that [support] good health, so consuming a variety of high-fiber foods optimizes the gut environment.”


New York Post Interviews Concussion Expert

Apr 08, 2021

As seen in the New York Post, Hallie Zwibel, D.O., medical director and director of the Center for Sports Medicine, shared his concussion expertise to help raise awareness for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative brain disease caused by repeated head trauma, which can impair cognitive function and behavior. His insight helps to explain how a history of repetitive head injuries may have impacted former NFL player Phillip Adams, who carried out a mass shooting in South Carolina on April 7.

“He could have been taking hits all the time [and] only wound up with only one or two concussions, but the cumulative hits he has taken is so many that it could have made him develop a degenerative brain disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy,” Zwibel shared. “It really affects people to an enormous degree in their ability to enjoy relationships and friendships, to really function in the world. They get very frustrated, understandably, with the deficits that they’re having,”

Similar coverage also appears in the U.S. edition of The Sun, a news outlet based in the U.K.   


Rothstein Provides Metabolic Insight for INSIDER Story

Apr 07, 2021

INSIDER featured comments from School of Health Professions' Alex Rothstein, M.S., instructor and coordinator for the Exercise Science, B.S. program, in an article on basal metabolic rate. As Rothstein notes, “Understanding your BMR is an important starting point to making a weight loss plan because it enables you to determine your overall energy expenditure and how many calories you need to remain in a calorie deficit.” 

The INSIDER article was also published on several other sites, including Yahoo News and MSN.


Nike Article Quotes Exercise Science Expert

Apr 06, 2021 featured comments from Alexander Rothstein, M.S., instructor and coordinator for the Exercise Science, B.S. program, in the Coaching blog story, “How to Ramp Up Your Workout.” In the article, Rothstein provides practical advice for those returning to exercise after a long break. Among other points, he shares:

"After three weeks of lying low (whether you’ve quit training completely or just scaled back), you’ll need a short build-up period to return to your previous fitness level, because you’re at a greater risk of an overuse injury like shin splints or a hamstring strain. And if you’ve spent six or more weeks away from training, you should consider yourself ‘detrained.’ That’s not to say you’ve lost all your fitness and are back at square one. But you do need to work slowly and cautiously to return to your former intensity safely and effectively.”


Apr 06, 2021

Mody Amin, a medical student in the NYITCOM Émigré Physicians Program, has been featured in International Educator Magazine for his community service during the COVID-19 pandemicThe article highlights a paper that Amin, who was a family physician in Egypt before immigrating to the United States, published with his colleagues in Yemen. Their collaborative work addresses the impact of COVID-19 on countries with limited medical infrastructure.


LaGrandeur in Techopedia: Will Robots Take your Job?

Apr 06, 2021

Will the robots that make our lives easier also threaten our livelihoods? Several experts, including English Professor Kevin LaGrandeur, Ph.D., offer insight on the topic in a Techopedia article.

For example, replacement has less to do with whether the job requires a college degree and more about the level of repetitive or formulaic work involved. “This group includes highly educated white-collar workers such as accountants--many of whose mathematical work can now be done by smart applications (like Turbotax, for instance) --and paralegals--whose fact-checking, editing and formulation of routine documents can now be done by AI-based applications,” LaGrandeur says.

He also notes that some economists believe that only about 10% of jobs will be lost. “That’s because only certain tasks within jobs are being automated, which will leave those workers to fill their time with less automatable work.”

However, LaGrandeur predicts that – as with previous industrial revolutions – there will be significant job losses in the transitional period, which should last about 20 years. “Thereafter, the new technology will create more jobs than it destroys, including new ones having to do with their care and creation, as well as jobs designed to be done by a team of robots – called ‘cobots’ and humans together.”


Healio Interviews Medical Student on Dermatology Research

Mar 30, 2021

In a Healio story, NYITCOM student Moshe Bressler discussed his research on how dermatologists perceive the risks and benefits of social media and how these views vary by generation. Many of the physicians that Bressler and his co-authors surveyed expressed concern about how social media allows non-experts a platform to spread misinformation, but they also saw the opportunity to use social media as a means to set false perceptions straight.

“Clinicians have more of an incentive now than ever to get on social media. It’s not about becoming famous or recruiting a million patients to your practice. It’s about fighting misinformation with the presence of an expert,” said Bressler.