Media Coverage

Guiliano in The Huffington Post: Designing Degrees for Digital Gatekeepers

Nov 21, 2013

NYIT President Edward Guiliano’s commentary in The Huffington Post calls for institutions of higher education to address the critical need for a much larger, sophisticated, and innovative cyber security work force.

He states: “The call to action for universities is obvious: We need to innovate. We need to broadly incorporate information- and systems-security practices and principles into our academic programs. We also need to produce more graduates in this field.”

He notes that collaboration among industry, government, and academia is vital, but universities’ role at this juncture is the linchpin, and offers various calls to action.  


NYIT Nursing Experts Talk about Trauma After ICU Stays

Nov 20, 2013

"Most people have never heard that patients suffer long-term effects post-ICU," says School of Health Professions Nursing Instructor Lisa Sparacino, MS, RN, CCRN in ADVANCE for Nurses. "When a person recovers from a critical illness the public views it as a good thing. Since it is not viewed that a loss occurs, many patients and family members do not recognize that they are suffering a loss and do not seek treatment."

Nursing Department Chair Susan Neville said patients, family members and others in a support network can experience long-lasting effects after a patient receives a critical illness diagnosis following an intensive care unit admission.  Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) can result from both the illness and treatments.

"Family members find themselves dealing with strains on personal relationships and often the threat of loss of a job and/or failing at a personal goal," says Sparacino, a critical care nurse for 27 years. "They often feel separated from the care of their loved one and helpless when attempting to support their critically-ill loved one."

Sparacino recommends that nurses involve the patient and family in care planning, day-to-day planning and interventions. Nurses should also understand how culture, socio-economic status and spiritually affect the coping processes of patients and their families.


Chute Advises Parents on Coping with a Child's Deafness

Nov 19, 2013

"It is amazing the strength that parents demonstrate and how they take that energy and infuse it into their deaf children," writes School of Health Professions Dean Patricia Chute, Ed.D. for the online resource  Chute, an audiologist who has worked in the field of cochlear implantation for nearly 40 years, provides tips and advice for parents of children who are deaf.

"These deaf infants are now young men and women who have opportunities to attend colleges and sit next their hearing peers. Many have gone on to be doctors, lawyers, teachers and husbands and wives with their own children. Their hearing losses have never defined them. That has come from parents who took what was handed to them and turned it into part of their own legacy as parents of children who were born deaf."


Cooper in JAMA: Unraveling the Physician Supply Dilemma

Nov 12, 2013

"There is little that can be done to materially correct the near-term situation, but it is imperative that some combination of strategies be undertaken for the long term," writes NYIT Center for the Future of the Healthcare Workforce Director Richard Cooper, MD, referring to the physician shortage in the United States, in an opinion piece published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medicine Association (subscription required). "To do nothing ignores powerful economic and demographic trends and leaves future generations to ponder why they and their loved ones must experience illness without access to competent and caring physicians.”

In the special issue, Cooper's piece, "Unraveling the Physician Supply Dilemma," details the factors that have caused the shortage. He urges the medical community to press for changes, including lifting Medicare caps on residency positions, shortening the training required in some specialties, or changing the licensing rules for physicians trained in other countries.


Newsday Photographs Medical Students in Simulation Lab

Nov 08, 2013

"Practicing Their Craft" read the headline above a Newsday photo of five College of Osteopathic Medicine students in the school's Institute for Clinical Competence. Students John Sullivan, Avram Flamm (writing on the white board), Peter Whooley, Gavriel Ausubel, and Matthew Delfiner are seen working on iStan, a mannequin, in a heart attack simulation scenario.


NYIT Hosts Online Learning Forum

Nov 08, 2013

"We can sit here and say it's not going to happen, but the reality is that it is happening," Director of Technology-Based Learning Systems Stan Silverman said in a forum, covered by Newsday, that focused on the growth of online learning at colleges and school districts. 

Silverman was one of four panelists at the forum, sponsored by the Long Island Regional Advisory Council on Higher Education, or LIRACHE. He and others agreed that the use of web-based courses and online instruction changes the role of faculty but also could result in learning improvements and more access to education.


Bravo Advises Freshmen to Explore Choices

Nov 08, 2013

"While college freshmen might change their career goals often, it is wise to recognize that each class taken, club joined, project completed, event attended, and person met could ultimately offer clues to what you might really love to do for a career," says Assistant Dean of Career Services Amy Bravo in a blog by NerdScholar, the educational branch of NerdWallet, about career advice for freshmen.

Bravo suggests freshmen explore interests and take advantage of the freedom to take a variety of classes that can help strengthen basic skills. Marketing, writing, public speaking, and design courses are good choices, says Bravo.


Blazey: Tablets Can Help Physicians Improve Patient Care

Nov 06, 2013

"You can access electronic medical records while not having a desktop or laptop computer between you and the patient," says College of Osteopathic Medicine Assistant Professor William Blazey, DO, in an online article for Medical Office Today about how physicians are using tablets in their practices. Blazey adds that tablet also allow him to access images that can help patients understand a diagnosis or treatment.

"I can review medications and their interactions in real time to avoid potential interactions," he adds. "An ePrescription service directly allows for prescriptions to be sent to a pharmacy and confirmed." 


Blazey: Cancer Prevention Tips for Men

Nov 01, 2013

"If testicular cancer runs in your family, it's vital to be screened frequently, especially if your relative was diagnosed young," says College of Osteopathic Medicine Assistant Professor William Blazey, D.O., in Men's Fitness. "If they were diagnosed later in life, environmental causes -- like exposure to radiation -- may be a factor."

Blazey advises men to decrease stress "wherever you can" and avoid smoking as preventative measures for prostate cancer, and he urges men to talk to their doctors about exams and tests. "The best person to detect testicular cancer is you, via a self-exam," adds Blazey. "Once a month, in the shower, check yourself to see if you feel any lumps, bumps or pain. If you do, go right to a doctor."


Dean Patricia Chute Notes Expertise Required for Pediatric Audiologists

Nov 01, 2013

Audiologists who handle adult cases may not have the special skills necessary to see pediatric patients, says School of Health Professions Dean Patricia Chute, Ed.D. in the cover story of the November issue of The Hearing Journal.

“Some of the things you do with adults can translate to children, but much of it cannot,” says Chute, an expert in the audiology field. “Fitting a hearing aid on a 25-year-old is very different than fitting an aid on a one-year-old. One of them can tell you what he hears while with the other one, you have to observe and get feedback from parents.”

In “Pediatric Audiologist Shortage Leaves Providers Searching for a Solution,” Chute adds that teleaudiology may help some pediatric patients who don’t have access to a specialist. Yet, she adds, adequate time counseling parents is paramount if telerehabilitation is to be successful.