Media Coverage

Newsweek Quotes Gugliotti in Posture Story

May 17, 2023

Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Mark Gugliotti, D.P.T., is quoted in a Newsweek article about posture in the workplace. Gugliotti explains that prolonged periods of sitting and slouching, which throw off the musculoskeletal balance within the body, can lead to lower back pain. Over time, these habits can perpetuate the onset of other issues, such as muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, fatigue, altered digestion and respiration, and even nerve tissue compression.

“Do your future self a favor and spend some time choosing the perfect office chair, whether at home or in the office,” says Gugliotti. “The chair should fully support the whole spine and facilitate a relaxed, seated posture. It is best if the cushioning conforms to the natural curvatures of the spine and is made from a breathable yet durable fabric. Attention should be made to two key adjustment features: seat height and the ability to recline the chair's back. Proper adjustment for seat height should allow for the feet to rest flat on the floor while the hips and knees are positioned at 90-degree angles.”

The article also appeared in 28 other outlets across the U.S., including Kansas City Star, The Charlotte Observer, and The Sacramento Bee, among others.


Outlets Report on New York Tech’s KEEN Membership

May 17, 2023

Long Island Business News (LIBN) and InnovateLI have published stories about the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences’ new membership in KEEN, a national partnership of engineering faculty focused on developing and promoting innovation in engineering education for the good of society.

 “KEEN developed the entrepreneurial mindset framework to supplement the engineering skills that faculty already teach,” said Jane Polizzi, assistant dean of administration and operations, according to LIBN. “Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is in line with our mission of delivering to the workplace new generations of doers, makers, inventors and innovators,” Dean Babak Beheshti, Ph.D., said in InnovateLI.   


May 12, 2023

An adaptive fashion show hosted by the Adele Smithers Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Center was featured on PIX11 News. The segment, which included interviews with Adena Leder, D.O., director of the Parkinson’s program, and models from the New York Tech Rock Steady Boxing program, demonstrated how the Center helps to maximize the quality of life for those with Parkinson's disease. As the PIX11 coverage notes, “For those who are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, everyday activities such as getting dressed in the morning can be challenging. [The] unique fashion show was put together to showcase ‘adaptive clothing’ that helps patients maintain their independence…and featured “easy-on, easy-off” clothing, shoes, and accessories.”


Professor Lends Expertise to Quikly

May 09, 2023

Colleen Kirk, D.P.S., associate professor of management and marketing studies, shared her expertise in an article by the marketing news site Quikly. Kirk, who researches psychological ownership in consumers (when shoppers feel a product or brand is "theirs"), explains how this phenomenon can impact brands.

“In my research, my colleagues and I have shown that consumers can become very defensive when they feel ownership of a product. A classic example was when Tropicana tried to remove consumers’ beloved straw and orange from their packaging in 2009,” said Kirk. “Consumers at the time had grown up with the straw and orange on their breakfast table — they had a strong sense of intimate knowledge and ownership. They rebelled, and within six weeks, Tropicana had to scrap their repackaging efforts.”


Outlets Feature Rajnarayanan's COVID-19 Insight

May 09, 2023

Several prominent outlets, including WebMD, Salon, and Fortune, featured insight from Rajendram Rajnarayanan, Ph.D., assistant dean of research and associate professor at NYITCOM-Arkansas, regarding the end of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency and the potential of future pandemics. Rajnarayanan, who maintains a coronavirus variant tracker tells Salon, "Trying to paint COVID as endemic flu will have serious consequences in the long run. We will feel workforce issues soon and long COVID might hurt our healthcare system country-wide. That could really be the next big impact of the pandemic."


Cancer Biologist Quoted in PatientPower

May 05, 2023

Breast cancer researcher Dong Zhang, Ph.D., associate professor of biomedical sciences at NYITCOM, is quoted in PatientPower, a news site dedicated to sharing information with cancer patients and survivors. Zhang, who researches targeted drug therapies for breast and ovarian cancers, explains that breast cancer treatment is typically tailored to the patient, with targeted therapy often used when a patient has a specific gene mutation coding for proteins that help tumors to grow and spread. Therapies work by interfering with these proteins. 

“When a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer, oncologists would then recommend sequencing the genome of the breast cancer to determine if one or more breast cancer susceptibility genes are mutated in this patient,” says Zhang. “Knowing the mutation profile of breast cancer can be very informative in selecting the most appropriate treatment strategy.”


Apr 28, 2023

On the heels of Mental Health Awareness Month (May), insight from Melissa Huey, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology, is featured in several online news articles by MedicalXpress and others. The coverage highlights Huey’s recent research findings, which discovered that college students’ mindfulness, anxiety, and course comprehension were negatively affected when smartphones were physically present in the classroom.


Newsday Taps Nizich for Cybersecurity Story

Apr 28, 2023

Michael Nizich, Ph.D., director of the ETIC and adjunct associate professor of computer science, lent his cybersecurity expertise to Newsday’s ongoing coverage of the Suffolk County ransomware attack. As the article notes, at the time of publishing, "a handful of services remain offline and Suffolk County's capital budget will be filed two weeks late as impacts of a cyberattack on the county's systems linger." This includes remote applications, such as those used for county title searches. Nizich explains that these types of applications are more vulnerable to attack by an outside entity because they do not reside inside the county's “trusted” computer base. For this reason, those systems must maintain the highest level of security because they allow outside access to county data. He said these services are typically in what is known as a demilitarized zone (DMZ), or a digital space where users can view and access county data while not being allowed to harm the network.

“Due to the complexity of these configurations, it's imperative that care be taken to properly install, configure, and, most of all, test the DMZ and all services that lie inside of it to assure that they are secure from all human and non-human threat agents,” Nizich said.


Kirk Quoted in WalletHub

Apr 26, 2023

Comments from marketing expert Colleen Kirk, D.P.S., associate professor in the School of Management, are featured in a WalletHub article about American Express credit cards and the strength of the American Express brand. In addition to providing insight on competitors' advertising, Kirk helps to answer the question, “How strong is the American Express brand today, relative to the past?”

“Brand equity, a financial measure of the value of a brand, is an intangible asset, and for some companies, brand equity can represent the largest asset the firm owns. According to Interbrand, a leading brand valuation company, although American Express remains a leading global brand, the brand has been slipping in the rankings in recent years. For example, whereas the firm was ranked 15th in 2002, it slipped to 27th in 2022,” says Kirk.


Apr 21, 2023

Research by Milan Toma, Ph.D., biomedical engineer and assistant professor at NYITCOM, was featured in Newsday. Toma’s study found that helmets, including those used by football players, jockeys, motorcyclists, and bicyclists, are generally not enough protection from a "rapid hit," the type of impact that causes most concussions. In addition, rapid hits were more prevalent among those wearing padded helmets. While helmets are still essential to protect against head injuries and skull fractures, Toma’s findings suggest that the sudden movements and torque on the neck and head from a rapid hit cause the brain to rattle in the skull before protective spinal fluid can reset.