Media Coverage

Dec 02, 2022

New York Tech is featured in a Newsday article about local universities and colleges offering test-optional admissions. As noted in the story, applicants to undergraduate programs, with the exception of nursing and combined undergraduate/graduate health professions programs, are no longer required to submit SAT or ACT scores. Karen Vahey, Ed.D., dean of admissions and financial aid, notes that, since moving to test-optional, students of color represented a larger portion of New York Tech’s applicant and admitted pool in fall 2021, including as much as an 8 percent rise in applications from students of color and as much as a 13 percent increase in admitted students of color.

Vahey also shares that first-generation applicants rose by 12 percent year over year, and in fall 2021 New York Tech enrolled its largest freshman class in 12 years. The institution also saw a 10 percent hike in applicants for fall 2022.


Speights Featured in Emergency Wound Management Articles

Nov 22, 2022

Shane Speights, D.O., site dean for NYITCOM-Arkansas, is quoted in articles by the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange and Youth Today. In the latter article, Speights, who is a proponent of the American College of Surgeons’ Stop the Bleed program, shares that NYITCOM-Arkansas hosted its own Stop the Bleeding event, in which 125 participants, including medical students, gained hands-on training to quickly respond to wounded trauma victims. Upon completion of the training, the medical students received kits containing bandages and tourniquets, should they need to assist in an emergency situation.

“We’ve had students use these. They go out in the community and stop at a car accident, and they’ve broken into this pack and used it to help control bleeding,” said Speights. “We have our students providing care, meaningful trauma care, before they even graduate from medical school.”


Ravan Quoted in Lifewire Story on AI and Brain Research

Nov 18, 2022

Lifewire featured insight and research from Maryam Ravan, Ph.D, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, in an article that answers the question, “How can studying the brain lead to new forms of artificial intelligence (AI)?” As the article notes, Ravan recently co-authored research that used a machine learning algorithm to analyze patients’s brain waves and categorize their patterns as biomarkers for bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder. 

“Increased interest in AI technology has emerged as society has become more accepting and open about mental health,” she says. “Given this, I expect that we will continue to see additional studies that leverage forms of AI, including machine learning, to help streamline the treatment and diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric conditions.”


Cohn Tapped for DebtHammer Holiday Spending Article

Nov 15, 2022

According to a DebtHammer survey, half of U.S. shoppers expect to take on debt to cover the costs of holiday shopping. As part of a DebtHammer online expert panel, Deborah Y. Cohn, Ph.D., interim dean of the School of Management, shares tips to help consumers curb their holiday spending. In addition to other advice she notes, “It’s time to make deals with your friends and family that everyone will keep the costs down. Agree on budgets among gift givers. Talk about what everyone can afford to spend and set spending limits. Consider pooling your funds with friends and family and chipping in for gifts. This is made easy with online payment methods such as Venmo.”


Nov 14, 2022

As featured on KATV and in Talk Business and Politics and the Jonesboro Sun, pediatrician Christine Hartford, M.D., assistant professor of clinical medicine at NYITCOM-Arkansas, is urging Arkansans to get their influenza vaccine amid concerns for a "tripledemic" with the simultaneous circulation of influenza, COVID-19, and RSV. Following two years of relatively low flu and RSV numbers, Hartford, who also serves as a provider for St. Bernards Medical Center in Jonesboro, Ark., notes that residents could be in for an unusual winter, especially considering what’s already happening this early in the season.

“The seasonal patterns of these infections are out the window post-COVID,” Hartford tells the Jonesboro Sun. “We were seeing RSV all summer, and RSV is usually a late fall to early spring virus. We’re already getting bombarded with it.”


Vahey Shares Admissions Expertise with Newsday

Nov 13, 2022

According to a story in Newsday, Long Island’s colleges and universities would be unaffected by a potential U.S. Supreme Court decision barring colleges from race-based admissions. The article reports that at New York Institute of Technology, race is not considered in acceptance decisions, according to Karen Vahey, Ed.D., dean of admissions and financial aid. Vahey, who also chairs the university’s Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belongings' Pre-College Outreach and Access Subcommittee, says the school “does not need to consider race in admissions because we work hard to attract a talented pool of applicants who represent communities of color, and applicants from these communities have increased despite the pandemic.”


Long Island Press Highlights Co-op Track's LISTnet Award

Nov 11, 2022

As seen in Long Island Press, New York Tech’s first cooperative education (co-op) track, which launched earlier this year for students in the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, was honored with a Long Island Software & Technology Network (LISTnet) Long Island Summit Award for innovation. The awards ceremony was held on November 7 at the Garden City Hotel, where College of Engineering and Computing Sciences Dean Babak D. Beheshti, Ph.D., accepted the award for the co-op track, which is available to students in five of the college’s undergraduate programs. 


Local Outlets Cover Additional IDC Foundation Funding

Nov 08, 2022

InnovateLI and The Island 360 have reported on the additional funding that the IDC Foundation has awarded to the School of Architecture and Design. The latest round of support includes two additional grants – a $250,000 innovation grant and $100,000 for student scholarships. This additional IDC Foundation grant funding brings its total support of New York Tech to nearly $3 million since 2018. The coverage notes the driving force behind the newest grant award is to help New York Tech achieve technology equivalency among fabrication lab facilities and resources on both New York campuses as well as to support training for architecture and design students at all levels, from introductory training to developing the most sophisticated, advanced skills.


Zwibel Lends Esports Medicine Expertise to Lifewire Story

Nov 03, 2022

Lifewire quoted Hallie Zwibel, D.O., director of the Center for Esports Medicine, in an article about the cognitive impact of video games on children. Zwibel responds to the findings of a recent study by researchers at another university, which finds brain-boosting benefits for kids who play video games. According to the study, children who played video games performed better on cognitive skill tests involving impulse control and working memory.

“The study is accurate in showing some benefits of children playing video games. This adds to the evidence from other studies showing that video game use is linked with improvements in attention and hand-eye coordination,” says Zwibel.


Lifewire Story Highlights Beheshti’s 5G Expertise

Nov 01, 2022

Lifewire quotes Babak D. Beheshti, Ph.D., dean of the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, in the article “Slow 5G Wireless Disappoints Many Users—But You Can Make it Better.” Beheshti noted that wireless operators had to overcome significant infrastructure challenges, companies have had to invest in new cell sites and equipment, and in the initial deployments of 5G, service providers used the existing 4G core network with the 5G cell sites. "As a result, the data speeds achieved through these initial 5G networks were nowhere near what was promised of 5G," he added. "Also, the radio frequencies that provide the highest data speeds (millimeter waves) were not used in many of the initial deployments."