Media Coverage

Dr. Jerry Balentine on the Business of Medicine

Dec 01, 2015

Aware that medicine is moving away from fee for service towards accountable care, NYIT Vice President for Medical Affairs and Global Health Dr. Jerry Balentine says future doctors need to understand the business aspects of medicine, including leadership, information technology, and health policy. Balentine is featured in a two-part podcast on Health Thought Leaders One-to-One.


NYIT Architecture, Engineering, and Fine Arts Students Appear on WABC-TV

Nov 30, 2015

NYIT students, faculty, and staff collaborate with CityArts and Lincoln Square Business Improvement District and 3-D printing company MakerBot to create ornaments based on the theme of world peace.  NYIT’s College of Arts and Sciences Art Media technical director Matt Cornelius and student Stephen Soldano talk to WABC-TV's Lauren Glassberg about their 3D printed ornaments for Winter's Eve and the Lincoln Square Tree-lighting.


Newsday Features NYIT International Student Ambassador in Video

Nov 16, 2015

“It’s been the best decision of my life to come to America,” international student ambassador Vikrant Sood tells Newsday in a video accompanying a story (subscription required) about the rise of international students at Long Island colleges and universities. Sood helps new NYIT students get adjusted and comfortable living here to life – from how to buy a phone and what courses to choose.


President Guiliano at Lessons from New York Can Help China

Oct 22, 2015

Taking lessons from the history of New York City, China can design its emerging megacities to avoid some foreseeable infrastructure problems, President Edward Guiliano, Ph.D., told Chinese media on the occasion of NYIT's and Peking University’s jointly sponsored conference on sustainable megacities.

Noting that prevention is better than cure, President Guiliano gave examples from the past 50 years, including flooding caused by Superstorm Sandy, to show why Chinese cities should plan for increasing demands on resources, including extreme events. Research presented at the conference by NYIT faculty members and other world-class scholars showed how to combine careful planning with new technologies to create more livable, efficient cities for the future.


China Higher Ed Features NYIT's Academic Partnership with CUC

Oct 20, 2015

NYIT has launched new academic programs in Beijing with Communication University of China (CUC). China Higher Ed shared the news with its English-medium audience of educators and investors with interests in China.


BBC Arabic Reports on New, Self-Guided Walker

Oct 15, 2015

Patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease can stay on their feet better with help from a self-guided walker, according to NYIT faculty members Ely Rabin (College of Osteopathic Medicine) and Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong (School of Engineering and Computing Sciences). These two researchers explained and demonstrated a new walker they have developed in a seven-minute segment on BBC Arabic’s 4 Tech, an Arabic-medium television program.


How the Giraffe Got its Long Neck in Reuters and NatGeo

Oct 07, 2015

Giraffe necks evolved in a unique fashion, with the front half of some neck vertebrae stretching first, followed by an elongation of the back half of the vertebrae, NYITCOM professor Nikos Solounias and student Melinda Danowitz discovered in published research that numerous media outlets, including National Geographic and, reported.


The Wall Street Journal Publishes Mruk Op-Ed

Sep 30, 2015

While the architecture profession has taken steps to reduce licensure requirements, it hasn’t been enough, according to Frank J. Mruk III, associate dean at NYIT’s School of Architecture and Design. In an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal (subscription required), he writes that “training in architecture desperately needs an overhaul.” As a solution, he offers this advice: “The drain on young talent, coupled with a building comeback, is an opportunity to redesign the profession, and revisiting the qualification process would be a good place to start.”


Newsday Features NYITCOM's Dr. Gaberiel Bever's Turtle Research

Sep 26, 2015

"There has been a lack of transitional fossils," says NYITCOM anatomy professor and paleontologist Gaberiel Bever in a Newsday article (subscription required) about his new discoveries about the origin of turtles. "Finding the early, early turtles has been the Holy Grail." Bever’s four-year study, published in Nature, concludes that turtles are more like lizards, crocodiles and snakes than scientists previously thought.


WSJ Interviews NYITCOM's Dr. Bennett Futterman on the Papal Hand Gesture

Sep 25, 2015

Ulnar nerve damage, possibly brought on by leprosy, is the likely cause of the original papal hand gesture, says Bennett Futterman in a Wall Street Journal article (subscription required) about his research into the familiar papal hand position. Futterman’s study was published in the journal Clinical Anatomy.