Media Coverage

Society of Women Engineers Podcast Features Dean Anid

Sep 27, 2017

In a podcast of the Society of Women Engineers, Nada Anid, Ph.D., discusses her role as the dean of NYIT School of Engineering and Computing Sciences during a time when women are underrepresented in engineering leadership roles. Appearing alongside the dean of Engineering at University of Washington at Bothell, Anid discusses her greater vision for advancing engineering education at NYIT, and how the Entrepreneurship and Technology Center for Innovation (ETIC) is helping to position the school as a source of innovation and increased entrepreneurial spirit among female students.


Social Media Strategist Provides Expertise for Newsday Article

Sep 27, 2017

Brylee Kaye, NYIT social media strategist, was recently interviewed in a Newsday article regarding Twitter’s experiment to extend its character count. The experiment will first be tried on a select group of users before deciding whether the plan should be expanded to the wider Twitter community.

In the article titled, “Twitter’s 280-Character Experiment Could Boost Its Business,” Kaye discusses how brevity is a double-edged sword, stating, “Twitter’s 140 character limit forces us to get to the point immediately.”


NYIT Center Helps to Grow Innovation Economy in Long Island Press Article

Sep 26, 2017

The Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center (ETIC) at NYIT was featured in the Long Island Press article, “Tech Incubators Hatching Startups Across Long Island.”

The story positions the ETIC as a successful incubator that has forged partnerships with organizations such as NASA and San Francisco-based education technology company Ed-Tech, stating, “the 8,000-square-foot Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation Center at NYIT punches above its weight.” Nada Anid, Ph.D., dean, School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, is also quoted regarding the center’s philosophy to partner with companies of various sizes, stages of development, and fields, ranging from energy to information technology, to cyberspace, bioengineering, and medical devices.


Meyland Lends Expertise to New York State's First Water Quality Council

Sep 25, 2017

Sarah Meyland, Ph.D., groundwater expert and associate professor of environmental technology, was mentioned in a Newsday article (subscription required) regarding the state's first council on water quality. The story lists the names of experts, including Meyland, who will be making recommendations to the health commissioner regarding next steps to address groundwater contamination of the probable carcinogen 1,4-dioxane. The man-made chemical is not regulated federally but has been found in trace amounts throughout Long Island’s groundwater supply.


Sep 22, 2017

The appointment of Ted Moudis to the NYIT Board of Trustees, has been featured in Newsday (subscription required) and The Island Now, a publication serving the residents of the Nassau County north shore community.

Moudis, who is a graduate of the NYIT Class of 1980 and a fellow of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), is the most recent alumnus to join the board, as well as the first appointee to the board under NYIT President Hank Foley, Ph.D. As mentioned in The Island Now, Moudis has remained actively involved with his alma mater. Over the years, he has hired several NYIT alumni, sits on the architecture advisory board, and holds seminars for students at his office each semester, where he shares career advice and other professional experiences.


Sep 21, 2017

Cybersecurity research by Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Paolo Gasti, Ph.D., done in partnership with Stevens Institute of Technology, is featured in several publications including Inverse, a publication that scientifically analyzes current events, and Threatpost, a source of IT and business security information, which also featured the news in its weekly podcast.

Gasti tells Inverse, “Passwords tend to follow rules. What we’re finding is that deep neural networks might be able to learn these rules implicitly. If you show them tens of millions of passwords, they’ll eventually realize very complicated functions that describe how different sets of users are generating passwords. We don’t tell the deep learning network what these rules are, they can look at the data and learn that themselves.”

The involvement of machine learning in password guessing “raised the bar in terms of what a secure password should be,” says Gasti.

Similar coverage has also appeared in:

  • American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) newsletter
  • Dark Reading
  • Sensors

    Sep 19, 2017

    NYIT faculty members Wenjia Li, Ph.D., (Computer Science) and Shenglong Zhang, Ph.D., (Life Science), co-principal investigators on a new project funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), are featured in an article in Innovate LI. Dean Nada Marie Anid, Ph.D., of the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences is also cited in the article.

    The article, “Feds Back NYIT Professors On RNA-Sequencing Quest,” describes the two professors’ interdisciplinary research to create a tool that will allow accurate and reliable RNA sequencing in order to pursue links between RNA modifications and various health conditions. This tool, when available, can advance understanding of both the causes and the effects of RNA modifications. To create the tool, the scientists rely on mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, and an algorithm they have developed. Zhang says, “One of the advantages of our method is that it can identify, locate and quantify a broad spectrum of RNA modifications that other methods are not capable of.”


    Costello Lends Criminal Justice Expertise to Article Following Equifax Breach

    Sep 18, 2017

    In the article, “Here’s When You Should File a Police Report After a Data Breach,” assistant professor of behavioral sciences Andrew Costello, Ph.D., provides practical advice to identity theft victims, including targets of the Equifax breach. Costello, who is also a retired deputy inspector of police for the New York City Police Department, suggests that consumers only file a report when they know their identity has been stolen and that is likely to be used for criminal purposes. He also mentions that police reports are normally filed in identity theft cases where the victim is reasonably certain of the person who stole their identity. In regards to the recent Equifax breach, Costello says:

    “A complaint usually requires a victim, an action, and a suspect. The Equifax breach, by itself, would not warrant a police report, as potential victims may not have been victimized yet.”


    LaGrandeur Addresses Rising Technological Displacement in Michigan Daily

    Sep 11, 2017

    Michigan Daily, a publication covering the latest news from the University of Michigan, featured an article on a compelling presentation given by NYIT English professor Kevin LaGrandeur, Ph.D., at the Ford School of Public Policy Science, Technology and Public Policy Lecture Series.

    Discussing the strong possibility that many of today’s jobs will soon be completed more inexpensively by artificial intelligence, LaGrandeur states, “In terms of sheer productivity, humans can’t keep up with computers and robots, and even when they can, all things being equal, machines and digital implements are often more convenient and cheaper.”


    President Foley Unveils Big Plans for NYIT Athletic Program in Newsday

    Sep 09, 2017

    As seen in Newsday (subscription required), NYIT President Hank Foley, Ph.D., has appointed Dan Velez as the university’s director of athletics and recreation. The appointment comes as Foley’s first step in a strategy to position NYIT as a Division II powerhouse, which also includes plans to raise funds for a new multi-purpose fieldhouse at the Long Island campus.

    In the article, Foley describes his future vision for the athletic program as an atmosphere in which NYIT’s athletes feel like Division I athletes, saying, “I’d really like to be a powerhouse in D-II and then we see where we go from there. For now, that’s the goal, that’s the end game.’’