Media Coverage

Veronica Southard in ADVANCE on Caring for Elderly Patients

Feb 06, 2016

"Patients are likely to meet or exceed their goals if they have confidence in the abilities of themselves as well as their physical therapist," says Assistant Professor Veronica Southard in an ADVANCE article about physical therapy for elderly patients. Southard also discusses the need for “multidimensional management” of geriatric patients due to their complex histories and, in some cases, various medical and health issues that can affect rehabilitation. NYIT alumnus Kosta Kokolis is also featured in the article.


Dr. Mindy Haar in M2 Woman on “Healthy” Foods

Feb 05, 2016

Protein powder is among the items that aren’t truly necessary for most people, says Mindy Haar, Ph.D., of NYIT School of Health Professions. Haar is among several experts quoted in an article in M2Woman.


Washington Post Publishes President Guiliano Op-Ed

Feb 05, 2016

It's welcome news that the 2016 federal spending bill has increased financing for the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation, among others. Funding for these agencies and the research they support has been flat for years.

"But revolutionary innovation depends on more than robust financing," writes NYIT President Edward Guiliano, Ph.D., in a Washington Post op-ed. "It also requires doctors, engineers, and researchers to embrace the humanities. Indeed, the world's biggest challenges—whether economic, environmental, technological, or physical—demand critical thinking, empathy, cultural literacy, and creativity. These skills are cultivated through an education that embraces the humanities."

The desire to improve the human experience through science is often inspired by the humanities, adds Guiliano. He cites several examples across higher education, including NYIT's minor in Medical Humanities.


Dr. Jerry Balentine in The DO on Medical Moments on Seinfeld

Jan 28, 2016

Vice President for Medical Affairs and Global Health Jerry Balentine, D.O., discusses the lighter side of medicine featured on numerous Seinfeld episodes in an article in The DO. One episode of the show features character Kramer’s odd stint as a standardized patient—and NYIT instructors show that clip to medical students who work with standardized patients. "The people who run the (NYIT) center say that as soon as the clip comes on, many students remember it, and they relax and start laughing a little bit,” says Balentine. “It helps calm them down when they're nervous. And it's fun for them to realize that there's something on Seinfeld about medical education."


Martin Gerdes on Thyroid/Cardiac Research on The Academic Minute

Jan 26, 2016

“In the past few years, a series of animal studies have shown that heart health can improve with low doses of thyroid hormones,” says Biomedical Sciences Chair Martin Gerdes, Ph.D., in an Academic Minute broadcast about his research. “It’s very likely such improvements will occur in human hearts too – but we need clinical trials to provide clear evidence.


Nicholas Bloom in The Gotham Gazette on “Sexy Transportation Projects

Jan 10, 2016

“It's easy to be seduced by projects that expand subway and rail lines, but they can't come at the expense of fixing our deteriorating and seriously underfunded transit system,” write Associate Professor Nicholas Bloom and co-author Philip Plotch in The Gotham Gazette. “Keeping a system in a state of good repair is a necessary and expensive undertaking.”


Dr. Hallie Zwibel and Alice Heron-Burke Publish Op-Ed on Return-to-Learn Concussion Protocol

Jan 06, 2016

"A student unable to fruitfully engage in academics isn't really for competitive athletics," write NYIT Center for Sports Medicine Director Hallie Zwibel, D.O. and Senior Director of Counseling and Wellness Alice Heron-Burke in a Newsweek op-ed (subscription required). "Without a strong 'return-to-learn' protocol alongside a 'return-to-play' guideline, decision-making responsibility falls to those most reluctant to keep star athletes sidelined--the students themselves, their coaches, and colleges where athletics is big business."

Heron-Burke and Zwibel helped NYIT establish its return-to-learn protocol and call for the NCAA to do a better job in ensuring that students are able to return to the classroom -- not just the playing field or court.


Dr. Mindy Haar Talks Microgreens with Yahoo! Beauty

Jan 05, 2016

“They should not necessarily substitute for traditional vegetables but can be an addition,” says Mindy Haar, Ph.D., who oversees NYIT’s masters in clinical nutrition program, referring to microgreens in a Yahoo! story. The greens have grown in popularity, in part because of celebrity endorsements. But Haar and other experts caution that microgreens should not replace traditional mature greens because they have less fiber and are usually served in smaller portions.


President Guiliano Talks with Reporter at Leading Chinese Magazine

Dec 31, 2015

“I think there are more similarities than differences” between Chinese and American attitudes toward education, said NYIT President Edward Guiliano, Ph.D., to a reporter from China’s Wealth Management magazine during an interview in Shanghai. “In both the United States and China, the family is a very important factor for the growth of children. I really appreciate the value Chinese parents place on education.” In a report of their wide-ranging discussion, President Guiliano shares insights about American and Chinese educational values; the importance for Chinese students of learning English and American culture, when possible; and the need for constant innovation and cooperation.

The article mentions an NYIT alumni dinner held in Shanghai, as well as the opening of a Career Services and Alumni Relations office there, which now serves all alumni based in China. In addition, the report mentions a recent survey showing that among U.S. M.B.A. programs, NYIT graduates have the best salary-to-debt ratio, making it the top M.B.A. for return on investment.


NYIT Cybersecurity Expert Offers Advice on WNBC-TV

Dec 29, 2015

When consumers sell personal devices online, including smart phones and tables, beware, lest they become attractive to hackers. One crucial step is to be sure to log devices out of the cloud.

“Even if you think you have fully erased a piece of information from a phone or other device, sometimes small pieces can be left behind," Jonathan Voris, assistant professor of computer science at NYIT, tells viewers of WNBC-TV.  "The same technology that makes it easier for us to access it could potentially make it easier for someone else to access it as well," he adds.