Media Coverage

Nadler Comments on Forever Chemicals at Superfund Site

A professor (previously with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection) comments on a report studying the extent of forever chemicals at MacArthur Airport.

Nizich Discusses County Cyberattack

Cybersecurity expert responds to a legislative analysis of Suffolk County’s 2022 ransomware attack.

New LI Residence Halls in Spotlight

An article about students living in university housing includes New York Tech’s new Jericho Residence Hall and its amenities and benefits for students.

Expert Quoted in Stories About Strength and Cardio Workouts

Twice in one week, Alexander Rothstein, M.S., was quoted in a popular at-home fitness blog.

Rothstein Featured in Speed Workout Story

Expert advises how runners can minimize their risk of sustaining injuries during speed training.

Nizich Comments on Using AI to Monitor the Dark Web

Modern AI solutions can quickly identify anomalies happening in real-time from dark web monitoring that would take humans or even current desktop computers years to process.

Expert Cautions Against Drinking Raw Milk

Mindy Haar, Ph.D., RDN, is one of several nutrition experts quoted.

Marketing Expert Quoted on the “Lipstick Effect”

A School of Management professor explains the psychology behind the consumer behavior phenomenon.

Outlets Feature Huey’s Study

Research examines the psychological impacts of smartphones in the classroom.

Mindy Haar Quoted in LoseIt!

Nutrition expert explains how cooking and preparing meals at home can support weight loss goals.