Symbol of Movement
Doctor of Physical Therapy student Sofoklis Sarellis is hard at work launching his athletic footwear company, Symbol.

Interns Join H2M as Full-Time Employees
Following the successful completion of their summer 2024 internships, three School of Architecture and Design students have accepted full-time positions at H2M architects + engineers.

Working it Out
Physical therapy student Shannon Townsend combines her classroom learning and Orangetheory Fitness coaching to deliver best practices to her patients.

Providing a Light in the Dark
Doctor of Physical Therapy student and military veteran Kevin Vaughan’s recovery from combat injuries has inspired him to pursue a career where he can inspire and help heal others.

Hands-On Engineering
Mechanical engineering student Tyler Hradek loves to create, so he feels right at home in New York Tech’s Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center.

Creating a Space for All
Interior design student Lydia Mudd is a recipient of the fourth annual Hazel Siegel Scholarship, acknowledging her design aspirations, perspectives on diversity, and commitment to making a difference in the field.

Where Math Meets Art
Architecture student Emily Mejia is heavily involved on campus, building an impressive roster of extracurriculars and fueling her love for the field and future career.

Vancouver Energy Management Students Head to Competition Finals
After a first-round victory, Assistant Professor of Energy Management Arman Bonakdarpour, Ph.D., and four energy management students on the Vancouver campus will compete in the final round of the Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition.

From Paper to Presentation
School of Architecture and Design students have built an exhibition that brings to life the research featured in a recently released book by Teaching Assistant Professor of Architecture Evan Shieh, M. AUD.

Student Architects Have Their Future by Design
Architecture students Katrina Deicmane and Madeline Metzler teamed up to work on a design project, earning them an honor from the Society of American Registered Architects.