College of Arts & Sciences

Celebrate Women’s History Month 2024
New York Tech commemorates Women’s History Month with a series of events celebrating women’s achievements.

Study ‘Zooms’ in on Video Call Engagement
A study by psychology expert Melissa Huey, Ph.D., reveals which Zoom features improve focus—and which may not.

Student Conducts Eye Movement Research
Psychology student Ola Abozid received a $3,350 scholarship supporting her research that tracks the eye movements of radiologists while viewing medical images.

New York Tech Represents at LICSPA 2023
New York Tech staff made a big showing at LICSPA 2023. Two staff members were recognized and New York Tech helped to organized the event.

Students Achieve Second Place Win at Biology Conference
Biology majors Taimoor Chaudhry and Abdur-Rehman Hussain came in second place for their poster presentation in the biochemistry, biophysics, and biotechnology division at the 56th annual Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists Conference.

Faculty Profile: Nayoung Kim
Nayoung Kim, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and Counseling, is a champion for mental wellness and access to counseling services.