College of Engineering & Computing Sciences

Attendees listening to a speaker at a podium

Biotechnology Conference Explores New AI Frontiers in Healthcare

At the Fifth Annual Biotechnology Conference, attendees gathered to exchange innovative research and share ideas centered on the future of medicine and therapeutics through artificial intelligence (AI) and cutting-edge technologies.

Portrait of Mukhammedali Zhadigar

Putting the ‘Tech’ in Tech Threads

Computer science student Mukhammedali Zhadiger dreams of making an impact in the tech industry. He is already making waves as a key component in on-campus resource Tech Threads’ smooth operation.

Awarding High School Researchers

New York Tech has completed the eighth year of its Mini-Research Grant Awards program, continuing its commitment to undergraduate research and encouraging high school students to pursue STEM fields.

Portrait of Millie Gonzalez

Re-envisioning Our University’s Libraries

Millie González, M.L.I.S, M.B.A., has joined New York Tech as the first dean of libraries.

Tyler Hradek walking

Hands-On Engineering

Mechanical engineering student Tyler Hradek loves to create, so he feels right at home in New York Tech’s Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center.

Group of students and professor holding award

New York Tech Students Selected as Finalists in Port Authority Robotics Challenge

College of Engineering and Computing Sciences students were selected as finalists and will move on to the next phase of the College Challenge: Vehicular Tunnel Catwalk Robotics.

Research Projects Secure Competitive Federal Funding

Professors from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences received research grants from the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Group of students and professor

Vancouver Energy Management Students Head to Competition Finals

After a first-round victory, Assistant Professor of Energy Management Arman Bonakdarpour, Ph.D., and four energy management students on the Vancouver campus will compete in the final round of the Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition.

Group of New York Tech students and faculty

NASA Contract Propels Students Into Technology Spotlight

In December, eight students in the Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center demonstrated seven of their prototypes at the NASA Assistive Technologies Startup Summit.

Students sitting by spinning wheel

Students Get the 411 in Data 101

Students in fall 2024’s Data 101 class sections partnered with CommuterLink to study student commuting habits across the Long Island and New York City campuses and propose potential solutions to challenges.