College of Engineering & Computing Sciences
Empowering Women in STEM: Endeavoring to Excel
During Women’s History Month, Paula Juric Kreuz, professional development specialist in the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, talks about the importance of encouraging more women to pursue STEM-related careers.
Celebrate Women’s History Month 2024
New York Tech commemorates Women’s History Month with a series of events celebrating women’s achievements.
New York Tech Represents at LICSPA 2023
New York Tech staff made a big showing at LICSPA 2023. Two staff members were recognized and New York Tech helped to organized the event.
Staff Profile: Jane Polizzi
As assistant dean of administration and operations in the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Jane Polizzi, M.B.A., works behind the scenes to further the transformative power of higher education.
New York Tech Designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense
Extending a designation first awarded in 2016, New York Tech is designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense education through the academic year 2028.