Schools & Colleges

Research Projects Secure Competitive Federal Funding

Professors from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences received research grants from the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Group of students

Finding “Pura Vida” in Costa Rica

Future physical therapists discovered why the nation has one of the world’s most regarded healthcare systems and longest life expectancies.

Portrait of Emily Mejia

Where Math Meets Art

Architecture student Emily Mejia is heavily involved on campus, building an impressive roster of extracurriculars and fueling her love for the field and future career.

Group of students and professor

Vancouver Energy Management Students Head to Competition Finals

After a first-round victory, Assistant Professor of Energy Management Arman Bonakdarpour, Ph.D., and four energy management students on the Vancouver campus will compete in the final round of the Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition.

Architecture display

From Paper to Presentation

School of Architecture and Design students have built an exhibition that brings to life the research featured in a recently released book by Teaching Assistant Professor of Architecture Evan Shieh, M. AUD.

Students walking near steps on campus

New York Tech Elects Three New Trustees

New York Institute of Technology has elected three new trustees to the university’s governing board.

Group of New York Tech students and faculty

NASA Contract Propels Students Into Technology Spotlight

In December, eight students in the Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center demonstrated seven of their prototypes at the NASA Assistive Technologies Startup Summit.

Rendering of the building design

Student Architects Have Their Future by Design

Architecture students Katrina Deicmane and Madeline Metzler teamed up to work on a design project, earning them an honor from the Society of American Registered Architects.

Students sitting by spinning wheel

Students Get the 411 in Data 101

Students in fall 2024’s Data 101 class sections partnered with CommuterLink to study student commuting habits across the Long Island and New York City campuses and propose potential solutions to challenges.

Computer eye tracking technology

Setting Their Sights on Research

Two undergraduate students have received external grants in support of research projects exploring the connection between eye movement and perception.