College of Arts & Sciences

Psychology Expert Warns Against Phone Scrolling

Researcher discusses the mental health effects associated with prolonged screen time.

DiMartino Discusses the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Researcher contends that parents should take the onus in protecting children from the dangers of social media.

Avoiding Political Clashes on Holidays

Cognitive neuroscientist Robert Alexander, Ph.D., suggests the best tactics for curbing tricky conversations during the holiday season.

Psychology Expert Quoted on Benefits of Cell Phone Bans

Researcher Melissa DiMartino, Ph.D., suggests that young students benefit from not having smartphones in the classroom.

Outlets Feature Huey’s Study

Research examines the psychological impacts of smartphones in the classroom.

First-Gen Student Support Showcased

An article about first-generation college students and the array of support that universities provide to them prominently includes New York Tech.

Researcher Shares Tips to “Unplug” From Your Smartphone

Psychology professor offers practical advice to avoid smartphone-induced stress.

News Sites Publicize Psychology Research

Eye movement research finds that techniques used in a 400-year-old painting could help today’s marketers catch the attention of modern consumers.

Golden Recognized in NEH Magazine Article

Faculty member received a grant to research and write an expanded, annotated edition of the collected poems of Sylvia Plath.

Rothstein Quoted on Walking Workouts

Exercise science expert explains whether a popular social media walking trend has real fitness benefits.