Nadler Lends Expertise to PFAS Article
Environmental health expert discusses a groundwater treatment for “forever chemicals.”
Yusupov Featured in Healthcare Executive
Physician discusses how patients with diabetes can leverage data from continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).
Rothstein Quoted on Walking Workouts
Exercise science expert explains whether a popular social media walking trend has real fitness benefits.
Highlighting Newly Renovated Labs
Renovated electrical and electronics labs offer enhanced experiences for faculty researchers and students.
Cohn Shares Insight on Pros and Cons of an M.B.A. for IT Execs
Expert explains when executives should pursue an M.B.A. to advance their careers.
Hu Interviewed About Insurance Costs
Personal finance expert discusses factors affecting premiums.
Local News Sites Highlight Fall 2023 Student Achievements
Outlets feature students’ academic merits.
TV and Online Media Cover Esports Study
Researchers from the Center for Esports Medicine share a study aiming to prevent blood clots in gamers.
Obesity Medicine Doctor Contributes Diabetes Op-ed
Physician advises against using smartwatches to measure blood glucose.
National Outlet Features Rajnarayanan’s COVID-19 Insight
Assistant dean of research and associate professor at NYITCOM-Arkansas comments on the CDC’s updated COVID-19 quarantine guidance.