Expert Quoted in Stories About Strength and Cardio Workouts

September 13, 2024

As seen in Peloton’s blog The Output, Alexander Rothstein, M.S., coordinator and instructor for the Exercise Science program, shared insight for the articles “Does Cardio Actually Kill Gains” and “How Long Does It Take to Build Muscle,” published on September 6 and 13, respectively.

As seen in the cardio-specific article, Rothstein explains that while research on muscle loss from performing cardio is inconclusive, there’s a reason that the physical activity guidelines for Americans outline specific recommendations for aerobic physical activity, muscle-strengthening activities, and flexibility training: they’re all important for maintaining good health.

“If the goal is just strength or muscle growth, it’s not a requirement to do cardio,” Rothstein says. “But if the goal is overall health and wellness, it is important to still include cardio, as the cardiorespiratory systems are extremely important for a long and healthy life.”