Media Coverage
Architect Featured in Profile Series
Faculty member profiled in series about successful architects and designers.
Leheste Calls for Increased Marijuana Research
Neuroscientist makes the case for why we need more research into marijuana’s effects on the body.
Rothstein Provides Insight on Cycling Economy
Coordinator and instructor for the Exercise Science program discusses cycling economy and how to measure and improve it.
Psychiatrist Interviewed About Loneliness
Director of NYITCOM’s Center for Behavioral Health discusses the nation’s loneliness epidemic.
Hometown Media Publicize Student Scholarships
Local outlets highlight scholarship recipients.
Rothstein Discusses Weighted Vest Workouts
Coordinator and instructor for the Exercise Science program comments on working out while wearing a weighted vest.
Jarkon Pens Article for The DO
NYITCOM psychiatrist reminds the supervisors of physicians-in-training to practice compassion and emphasize teamwork.
Outlets Share Insight from Infectious Disease Expert
Physician offers tips to avoid coming into contact with common airplane germs.
Haar Discusses Slow Carb Diets
Nutrition expert provides insight into and perspective about “slow carb” diets.
Dongsei Kim Provides Expert Commentary on DMZ Construction
Assistant Professor of Architecture, who has researched the DMZ, confirmed that the cleared land and new road are within the original DMZ area.