Experiential Education

Interns Join H2M as Full-Time Employees
Following the successful completion of their summer 2024 internships, three School of Architecture and Design students have accepted full-time positions at H2M architects + engineers.

Students Get the 411 in Data 101
Students in fall 2024’s Data 101 class sections partnered with CommuterLink to study student commuting habits across the Long Island and New York City campuses and propose potential solutions to challenges.

Engineering Student-Entrepreneurs Pitch Startups
College of Engineering and Computing Sciences students gathered at the New York Tech Business Incubator to present their startup companies—a unique culmination of one of the college’s newest experiential learning classes.

Stewards of Responsible Tech
New York Tech recently hosted the Responsible Tech Careers event, where students mingled with industry professionals and learned how to advocate for responsible and ethical technology usage.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
M.B.A. students and roommates Krishna Jograna and Ritika Radadiya are inseparable and inspire each other to become better businesswomen.

Guiliano Global Fellows: Glacier Saviors, Exoplanets, and More
Under the Edward Guiliano Global Fellowship Program, seven students traveled the globe, broadening their perspectives and working on transformational research projects.

A New PATH for Student Success
New York Tech is one of just seven institutions in the country to receive a Postsecondary Student Success Grant from the Department of Education to support student success.

Care in Costa Rica
This summer, a group of students from the College of Osteopathic Medicine and School of Health Professions traveled to Costa Rica to learn about healthcare systems and provide meaningful and sustainable change to various Costa Rican communities.

21st Annual SOURCE Showcases Student Research
New York Tech’s annual celebration of student research and scholarly work, SOURCE, convened for its 21st year in April in New York City.

Guiliano Global Fellows: Broadening Perspectives
Under the Edward Guiliano Global Fellowship Program, six students spent a portion of their spring semester traveling around the globe, broadening their perspectives, and working on transformational research projects.