Experiential Learning

Woman standing next to woman on an elliptical

An Exercise in Exercise

Exercise science students traded their classroom for the gym as they personally trained New York Tech faculty and staff in the Student Activity Center on the Long Island campus.

Professor Robert Alexander with a group of students

Lighting the Path Forward

More than 20 undergraduate and graduate students are working on research projects exploring connections between eye movement and perception.

News Byte: Architecture Students Win International Design Competition

School of Architecture and Design students have been selected as winners of We Are Out of Time’s competition for the design of two sustainable, artistic pavilions in Italy and England.

Portraits of Miriam Farah and Maha Husseini

Shadowing Physicians in Italy

Biology students Miriam Farah and Maha Hussaini spent two weeks shadowing physicians in Italy with the Doctors in Italy Fellowship Program.

Students Achieve Second Place Win at Biology Conference

Biology majors Taimoor Chaudhry and Abdur-Rehman Hussain came in second place for their poster presentation in the biochemistry, biophysics, and biotechnology division at the 56th annual Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists Conference.