Experiential Learning

Interns Join H2M as Full-Time Employees
Following the successful completion of their summer 2024 internships, three School of Architecture and Design students have accepted full-time positions at H2M architects + engineers.

New York Tech Students Selected as Finalists in Port Authority Robotics Challenge
College of Engineering and Computing Sciences students were selected as finalists and will move on to the next phase of the College Challenge: Vehicular Tunnel Catwalk Robotics.

Finding “Pura Vida” in Costa Rica
Future physical therapists discovered why the nation has one of the world’s most regarded healthcare systems and longest life expectancies.

Vancouver Energy Management Students Head to Competition Finals
After a first-round victory, Assistant Professor of Energy Management Arman Bonakdarpour, Ph.D., and four energy management students on the Vancouver campus will compete in the final round of the Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition.

From Paper to Presentation
School of Architecture and Design students have built an exhibition that brings to life the research featured in a recently released book by Teaching Assistant Professor of Architecture Evan Shieh, M. AUD.

NASA Contract Propels Students Into Technology Spotlight
In December, eight students in the Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center demonstrated seven of their prototypes at the NASA Assistive Technologies Startup Summit.

Student Architects Have Their Future by Design
Architecture students Katrina Deicmane and Madeline Metzler teamed up to work on a design project, earning them an honor from the Society of American Registered Architects.

An Exercise in Exercise
Exercise science students traded their classroom for the gym as they personally trained New York Tech faculty and staff in the Student Activity Center on the Long Island campus.

Lighting the Path Forward
More than 20 undergraduate and graduate students are working on research projects exploring connections between eye movement and perception.

News Byte: Architecture Students Win International Design Competition
School of Architecture and Design students have been selected as winners of We Are Out of Time’s competition for the design of two sustainable, artistic pavilions in Italy and England.