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Letter to Myself: Samantha

Medical student Samantha discovers how individuals can make a difference at NYIT.

TAGS: Prospective Students, College of Osteopathic Medicine

Letter to Myself: Samantha


Letter to Myself: Simran

Finding a greater purpose helps future healer Simran become a leader on her way to a combined B.S./D.O. degree.

TAGS: Prospective Students, Life Sciences, B.S. / Osteopathic Medicine, D.O., Biological & Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, Student Experiences

Letter to Myself: Simran


Highlights of NYIT Commencement 2019

TAGS: Commencement, About NYIT

Highlights of NYIT Commencement 2019


Commencement 2019: College of Arts and Sciences

TAGS: Commencement, College of Arts & Sciences

Commencement 2019: College of Arts and Sciences

16th Annual SOURCE

On April 26, students presented their research at the 16th Annual Symposium of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE).

TAGS: SOURCE, Events/Conferences, Research, Student Work, Student Experiences

16th Annual SOURCE


18th Annual Faculty Scholars Reception

On April 11, 2019, faculty members were recognized for their work at the 18th Annual Faculty Scholars Reception.

TAGS: Faculty, Research

18th Annual Faculty Scholars Reception


NYIT Big Give 2019: Thank You

Thank you, NYIT!


NYIT Big Give 2019: Thank You


NYIT Big Give 2019

President Foley introduces NYIT Big Give 2019.

TAGS: Long Island, NY, New York, NY, Vancouver, Canada, Development, Big Give, Jonesboro, AR

NYIT Big Give 2019


Match Day 2019

The NYITCOM Class of 2019 discovers its residency matches.

TAGS: College of Osteopathic Medicine, Medical Education, Academics

Match Day 2019
