Media Coverage

Zwibel Shares Hydration Advice in Huffington Post

May 15, 2019

Hallie Zwibel, D.O., director, NYIT Center for Sports Medicine, provided hydration advice for a Huffington Post article on the dangers of alcohol in summer heat. Zwibel urges readers to be conscious of their alcohol intake during summer months, as alcohol is a diuretic and strips the body of fluid.

“Alcohol causes the kidneys to release more water through urine than we would normally,” says Zwibel. “So now you’re losing water through sweat [from the heat] and urine, which can make you dehydrated and unable to cool down.”

He also informed readers to be aware that they may not feel thirsty or dehydrated because they’re drinking, and recommended having a glass of water every 30 minutes to help continually replenish any lost fluids.


May 14, 2019

New York Institute of Technology welomes seasoned higher education administrator Joseph Posillico, Ed.D., C.P.A., who joins the institution as the new vice president for enrollment management. Posillico's appointment has been publicized in several local and regional publications, including Newsday, Long Island Business News, and The Island Now (subscriptions required).

“I was drawn by the vision of Dr. Foley and the mission of NYIT. I was impressed by the academic programs, the quality of the offerings and the fact that what students and parents desire most in a quality education truly exists here at NYIT,” said Posillico in The Island Now.

Similar coverage also appeared in Inside Higher Ed and The Chronicle of Higher Education.


LIBN Covers New NSF-Funded Scholarships

May 08, 2019

Long Island Business News reported the news of NYIT’s two new National Science Foundation-funded scholarships promoting STEM education. The article mentions the larger grant, based in the Department of Teacher Education, in these terms: “The $1.2 million grant will support a Master of Arts in Teaching program that is designed to produce culturally sensitive, project-based teachers who can teach in underprivileged areas and get the next generation excited about STEM careers.” It also describes the other sizable grant, which will “provide four years of scholarship assistance for low-income undergraduates” majoring in computer science or electrical and computer engineering.


Haar Comments on Plant-Based Diet in Functional Athletic Nutrition

May 07, 2019

Comments from nutrition expert Mindy Haar, Ph.D., assistant dean, Undergraduate Affairs, NYIT School of Health Professions, have been featured in the Functional Athletic Nutrition story, "Find Your Inner Peas." In the story, Haar acknowledges the growing popularlity of plant-based diets. She notes, “Recent food trends have increased the consumption of avocado, kale, and quinoa… all wonderful nutrient-dense foods that should not be given up. This year, dandelion greens, rainbow carrots, beets, and amaranth are the new popular kids on the block.”


May 06, 2019

Lorraine Mongiello, DRPH, associate professor of interdisciplinary health sciences and clinical nutrition, was featured in a podcast by NPR affiliate WSHU. On the segment, Mongiello discusses the Planetary Health Diet, a primarily plant-based diet created with the goal of establishing a global food economy that will create better nutrition for millions of people without destroying the planet.


Center for eSports Medicine Findings Cited in Healio

May 06, 2019

Joanne Donoghue, Ph.D., assistant professor and director of clinical research at NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, has been quoted in a Healio article on the health of eSports athletes.This story was inspired by the Center for eSports Medicine’s study in the British Journal of Medicine and discusses the role of healthcare providers in maintaining gamer well-being. As noted in Healio, the study found the negative impact of blue light to be a major concern.

“The negative impact of staring at a computer for hours on end, without any blue light filters, is an issue we may have brought to the surface. Blue light damage seems to be commonly overlooked in gamers, and we simply don’t know the long-term effects that this kind of exposure can have on the eyes over years of play,” says Donoghue.


InnovateLI Covers New Public Sector Scholarship Program

May 02, 2019

InnovateLI carried news of NYIT’s new public sector scholarship program, the Children of Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT and K-12 Teachers Award. “The new award program, announced this week by NYIT President Henry Foley, fits in nicely at a scholarship-heavy university where better than 90 percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students receive some form of financial aid,” it reports.

The story also cites statements President Foley made at the announcement ceremony, as well as expressions of support from State Senator Phil Boyce, U.S. Representative Thomas Suozzi, and State Sen. Anna Kaplan.


Apr 29, 2019

The Island Now, a local media outlet serving the North Shore of Nassau County, reported on New York Institute of Technology’s newest scholarship for the public sector. As mentioned in the article (subscription may be required), The Children of Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT, and K-12 Teachers Award is designed to acknowledge students whose parents or legal guardians are active and fully employed (non-volunteer) in these public service professions. The new scholarship provides children of these public servants up to 50 percent tuition discount on any of the university’s 50+ full-time undergraduate programs, beginning in the 2019 fall semester.


Haar Featured in Mindful Eating Story

Apr 27, 2019

Nutrition trends predicted by NYIT School of Health Professions’ Mindy Haar, Ph.D., first published in Healthline earlier this year, continue to be echoed in regional coverage. As seen in the Marina Times, Haar notes:

“We will see more plant-based options such as bean pastas and soy, tofu, or quinoa burgers on the market. Recent food trends have increased the consumption of avocado, kale, and quinoa; all wonderful nutrient-dense foods…dandelion greens, rainbow carrots, beets and amaranth are the popular new kids on the block.”


Hollister Advises Parents in

Apr 26, 2019

Associate Director of Career Services Laurie Hollister counsels parents of job seekers for an article in In “How to help your kid find a job,” Hollister lets parents know what they should and should not do. “It’s OK to run your kid through a mock interview to ensure they know how to confidently speak about their experiences,” she says. But don’t try to control children’s ultimate choice of a first post-college job. “Let them get their feet wet with a job of their choice,” says Hollister.