Employee Expectations
To see a full list of Employee Expectations, please read the Student Employee Handbook.
Student employees must report to work at the time agreed upon with their supervisor. If you are going to be late, call your supervisor or someone else in the department as soon as possible to notify them of when you will arrive. Lateness and absences may result in the initiation of the three-step termination process.
If you are unable to attend work on any given day, give your supervisor as much notice as possible. It may be helpful to program your supervisor’s phone number into your cell phone. In many cases, your supervisor will have to find a replacement for you.
If your class schedule changes after your work hours are scheduled, or if you have exams, you should notify your supervisor as soon as possible so that your work hours can be rescheduled. Student employees and supervisors should understand the student employee’s first priority at New York Tech is as a student.
New York Institute of Technology provides Paid Sick Leave (PSL) to all New York and Arkansas student employees hired through work-study and student aid funding. Graduate Assistants are not eligible to receive PSL. Paid Sick Leave can be utilized for the following reasons:
- Employee’s mental or physical illness, or injury, or diagnosis, care, treatment, or preventive care for employee’s mental or physical illness or injury.
- A family member’s mental or physical illness or injury or diagnosis, care, treatment, or preventive care for a covered family member’s mental or physical illness or injury.
- Family Member is defined as an employee’s child (biological, adopted, step, or foster child, a legal ward, or a child of an employee standing in loco parentis), spouse, domestic partner, parent (biological, foster, step, adoptive, legal guardian, or person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child), sibling, grandchild, or grandparent, and the child or parent of an employee’s spouse or domestic partner.
- Absences related to an employee’s status as a victim of domestic violence, family offense, sexual offense, stalking, or human trafficking.
- Absences related to a family member’s status as a victim of domestic violence, family offense, sexual offense, stalking, or human trafficking.
Student employees are responsible for filling in and submitting their timesheets WEEKLY. Timesheets can only be submitted one week at a time, in chronological order. If you submit a timesheet at the end of a given week and it has not been approved by the beginning of the next work week, consult with your supervisor. As stated below in the Supervisor Responsibilities section, supervisors are responsible for addressing all timesheet submissions on a weekly basis as well.
You are responsible for your actions when you are at work and should:
- Treat everyone with an efficient, pleasant, and service-oriented attitude
- Immediately bring to the supervisor’s attention any problems or concerns you may have pertaining to the job (i.e., conflicts with academic work requirements or exams)
- Perform the duties and job responsibilities as assigned to the best of your ability and in a timely manner
- Dress appropriately for the job as specified by your employer
- Maintain a clean and orderly workstation
- Refrain from offensive or undesirable behavior or language
- Any student who does not meet departmental work expectations may be terminated by the supervisor in accordance with the three-step termination process.
Student employees are expected to abide by all general New York Tech community standards and the Student Code of Conduct, as indicated in the Student Handbook, and refrain from:
- Engaging in disruptive conduct that interferes with the orderly processes or functions of New York Tech or other organizations
- Theft or misuse of university property or of another employee’s property
- Gambling on college property
- Sabotaging physical or computerized records
- Falsifying any college record or report, including employment documents
- Using records for one’s own personal or professional gain or that of another
- Falsifying one’s own timesheet or that of another
- Harassing or injuring another person or group
- Committing violations of New York Tech policies, rules or regulations or engaging in behaviors that interfere with the orderly functions of an office or organization. These acts are subject to immediate termination and disciplinary action through the Office of the Dean of Students.
- Removing or releasing confidential or secure documents, files, or records
- Distributing, possessing, or using controlled substances, including alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or narcotics on college property or while performing one’s job
- Reporting to work while under the influence of controlled substances, including alcohol, illegal drugs, or narcotics
Students are prohibited from possessing, distributing, or sharing information obtained through work as a student employee, regardless of purpose or use, or using departmental information or services for the benefit or oneself or others. Confidentiality violations are grounds for immediate termination of employment and disciplinary action through the Office of the Dean of Students.
Remote Work Policy
- Employee’s remote work location must be in either New York State or Arkansas.
- Employee’s job duties and responsibilities are deemed suitable for remote work at the institution’s sole discretion. For example, employees handling certain confidential and/or sensitive information may not be permitted to work remotely.
- Remote workers should have set work hours and be productive and accessible during their agreed-upon regular work schedule.
- Supervisors must be able to accurately track the number of hours a student works in order to certify their weekly timesheets.
- The supervisor/department is responsible for determining the employee’s remote work needs and ensuring the employee has the necessary equipment and resources to perform the job duties remotely. Employees may be required to supply certain standard equipment, such as a laptop, for remote work.
- Remote workers are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of New York Tech equipment, files, data, and other information that are in the remote work site. This includes protecting any remote-working equipment from being stolen or accessed by unauthorized persons, as well as the security of information in paper or other media formats.
- New York Tech will have no responsibility for any injury to a person or property unrelated to New York Tech work activities that might occur at the remote worksite.
- Employees must comply with all other applicable New York Tech policies.
- New York Tech may terminate the remote work arrangement at any time at its sole discretion.
Supervisor Responsibilities
- Discuss how the student will check in and check out with you and be available to you during their scheduled work time.
- Outline the tasks and work that the student will do during these times, with clear due dates.
- Agree on how students will document their tasks during the time they are working or send a summary of the work completed during the time they are working.
- Identify how work will be submitted.
- Be available to student employee(s) during their scheduled work time and make sure they know how to contact you.
Timesheets must be approved weekly. Students must not begin a new work week without the approval of the previous week’s timesheet.