Report a Survey

In order to measure and alleviate the survey burden placed on New York Tech students, faculty, and staff during the year, the Office of Research, Assessment, and Decision Support (RADS) has developed a form for all individuals/departments conducting surveys. We will use the information gathered to create and publish an online calendar of surveys for all members of the New York Tech community so that other surveys can be planned accordingly. By using a shared calendar and not overburdening survey recipients, the success of all surveys should be significantly improved. Please follow these steps:

  1. Before finalizing the timing, scope, and duration of your survey, first review the New York Tech survey calendar (login required) to see what surveys have already been scheduled. In the calendar, you will be able to see when surveys are scheduled, by whom, and what population it covers.
  2. Once you have reviewed the calendar, we recommend that you reach out to faculty or staff who may be running a survey during the same time period using the same population. Once you are clear on the time, scope, and duration of your survey, please tell us about it (login required):

Please note: Filling out this form does not equate with receiving approval from the institution to conduct the survey. In addition, surveys related to research must receive IRB approval.

Both RADS and the Office of Strategic Communications and External Affairs (SCEA) will request completion of the form before survey communications will be sent. This process is not intended for small surveys of less than 100 recipients, or for surveys sent to one faculty member’s students.

If you have any questions regarding surveys and scheduling, please reach out to