Manage Your Classes

Time Periods and Financial Liability

Before the start of a term: You can drop all classes prior to the first scheduled day of a semester or cycle with no financial liability. See the start dates of a semester, cycle, or session in the Academic Calendar. Dropping all classes in a term is called a withdrawal. Complete the Withdrawal from All Courses form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar at

Add/drop period: Adding or dropping classes during this time is subject to the add/drop refund policy. The add/drop period is typically the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters or summer session III, the first week of a cycle, or the first three days of intersession or summer sessions I and II. See the add/drop period dates in the Academic Calendar.

Withdrawal period: Adding classes is not permitted during this period and a drop is called a withdrawal because it results in the W (withdrawal) grade. Financial liability is described in the withdrawal/dismissal refund policy. The withdrawal period starts the next day after the add/drop period ends. See the withdrawal period dates in the Academic Calendar.

Final exam period: A withdrawal is not permitted during the final exam period. You must earn grades in classes that you took during the term. The final exam period is typically the last week of a fall or spring semester or last two days of a cycle. It varies for intersession and summer sessions. See the final exam period dates in the Academic Calendar.

Add a Class

You can add a class during the add/drop period. Consult with your advisor and complete your registration in the Student Service HUB. Make sure to resolve the registration holds prior to enrollment and use the Schedule Planner to find a class that fits into your schedule.

If you cannot register in a class through the HUB, complete the registration form for registration exceptions. The exceptions are listed on the back of the form. See which one applies to your registration and contact an appropriate chairperson. You can find a chairperson of the course in the New York Tech Directory and the chairperson of your academic major in the advisor listing.

Repeating a Course More Than Twice

An undergraduate student may repeat a course in which a GPA-relevant grade is earned (C-, IC-, D+, ID+, D, ID, F, IF) a maximum of two times. Grades of W, UW, and PR do not count toward the maximum of two repeats. Should you wish to repeat a course more than two times, complete the registration form, receive an approval from the chairperson of your academic major, and send the form to Certain majors have rules on repeating courses that are more restrictive than this one. The more restrictive rule takes precedence.

Swap a Class

A swap means drop a class and add another one in the same transaction. Pay attention to the course credits when swapping classes. You may drop a four-credit class and add a one-credit class, but this will result in dropping three credits and perhaps dropping below full time:

  • If you drop below full time, your financial aid may be reduced.
  • If you are an international student and you drop below full time, your immigration status may be affected.

Make sure to consult with your advisorOffice of the BursarOffice of Financial Aid, and/or Office of International Education prior to a swap.

Complete your swap in the Student Service HUBView this video for help on how to swap a class.

If you cannot swap a class through the HUB, use the registration form for registration exceptions. The exceptions are listed on the back of the form. See which one applies to your registration and contact an appropriate chairperson. You can find the chairperson of the course in the New York Tech Directory and the chairperson of your academic major in the advisor listing.

Drop a Class and Remain Registered in Other Classes

You can drop a class during the add/drop period. Please be aware of the following consequences of dropping a class:

  • If you drop below full time, your financial aid may be reduced.
  • If you are an international student and you drop below full time, your immigration status may be affected.

Make sure to consult with your advisorOffice of the BursarOffice of Financial Aid, and/or Office of International Education prior to a drop.

Complete your swap in the Student Service HUBView this video for help on how to swap a class.

Withdraw from a Class and Remain Registered in Other Classes

A withdrawal from a class means dropping a class during the withdrawal period. Please be aware of the following consequences of withdrawing from a class:

  • You may have financial liability
  • Your financial aid may be reduced or canceled
  • Your immigration status may be affected
  • Your transcript will have a W grade (it does not affect the GPA)
  • Your path to graduation may be delayed
  • Your education cost may increase

It is strongly recommended that you check with your advisorOffice of the BursarOffice of Financial Aid, and/or Office of International Education prior to withdrawal.

To withdraw from a class, complete a Withdrawal from Course form and send to your instructor. The instructor will submit the form to the Office of the Registrar. Forms are not accepted when submitted by the student.

If you stop attending the class without submitting the Withdrawal from Course form, your instructor may assign a grade of UW (unofficial withdrawal). An unofficial withdrawal has the same consequences as the official withdrawal.

NOTE: Refer to the Nursing section in the Academic Catalog for special rules governing course withdrawals in that program.

Drop or Withdraw from All Classes (or Your Only Class)

Dropping all classes in a term during either the add/drop or withdrawal period is considered a withdrawal from all classes. Please be aware of the following consequences of a withdrawal from all classes:

  • You may have financial liability
  • Your financial aid may be reduced or canceled
  • Your immigration status may be affected
  • Your transcript will have the W grades if you withdraw during the withdrawal period (they do not affect GPA)
  • Your path to graduation may be delayed
  • Your education cost may increase

It is strongly recommended that you check with your advisorOffice of the BursarOffice of Financial Aid, and/or Office of International Education prior to a withdrawal.

You cannot use the Student Service HUB to withdraw from all classes in a term. Complete the Withdrawal from All Courses form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar at

If you stop attending classes without submitting the Withdrawal from All Courses form, your instructors may assign the grades of UW (unofficial withdrawal). This will be considered an unofficial withdrawal from all classes that has the same consequences as the official withdrawal.

Leave of Absence

New York Tech does not offer leaves of absence outside of NYITCOM.