Program Review

New York Tech instituted internal program review in the 2023-2024 academic year for programs that do not have external accreditation. Over 50 programs are reviewed on a 10-year cycle, with each year’s schedule determined in consultation with the deans. 

Purposes and Goals

  • Priority & Opportunity: Helping support programs, schools, colleges, and the institution determine future priorities and enable planning for, and responses to, future challenges and opportunities.
  • Data-Informed Decision: Supporting the continuous cycle of data-informed reflection, analysis, and program improvement (CPI).
  • Compliance: Meeting MSCHE accreditation standards as well as maintaining compliance with NYS Board of Regents and Executive Policies.

Process and Timeline

Kick off meeting: Dean, chair, RADSOctober 20XX
Mid-point Review: Dean, chair, RADSJanuary 20XX
Final submission: After dean’s sign offMay 20XX
External reviewJune 20XX
Program Review Committee (RADS, dean, others) review and provide feedbackJuly 20XX
Chair’s response to all feedback and presentation to the provost and committeeAugust 20XX
Final report to President’s Council by committee with key themes, findings, conclusionsSeptember 20XX
Follow up report to recommendations and decisionsJune 20XX

Program Review Templates