International Collaboration

To better meet the international need for business education, we have offered an M.B.A. program in cooperation with leading Chinese universities, including Fuzhou UniversityGuangdong University of Foreign StudiesJinan UniversitySouthwestern University of Finance and EconomicsNanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsShandong Institute of Business and Technology, and Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. Our joint programs help make American education more affordable to students, enable them to complete our program in a short period of time, and allows them to attend courses in New York City, the heart of the financial and commercial industries and, in Nicholas D. Kristof’s words, “the unofficial capital of the planet Earth” in this global age.

New York Tech has collaborated with the following top Chinese Institutes for 2+2 undergraduate programs: China University of Mining and TechnologyJinan University, Shandong Institute of Business and Technology, Foshan University, and SHU-UTS SILC Business School. New York Tech and our Chinese partnering schools for 2+2 undergraduate programs have recognized the degree granted by the other institution as well as the course credits earned in each institute. Furthermore, we both agree to accept the transfer credits from the other institution as long as the courses meet established standards. The institutional collaboration in undergraduate level requires the students receive at least 16 credits from the other institution.

How is the Program Designed?

Phase I: Courses offered at New York Tech’s Cooperative Universities.

In this phase, students take up to seven courses in China, including Financial Accounting, Macroeconomics, Management Information System, and Quantitative Methods; these courses are jointly taught by professors from New York Tech and partner colleges and delivered in accordance with the New York Tech’s standards.

Phase II: Courses Taken at the New York Campus

After Phase I, students study at NYIT-New York City, where they may complete the their academic program; At least 50% of credit hours completed toward a School of Management master’s degree are earned during this phase, and at least 50% of business credit hours completed toward a School of Management bachelor’s degree are earned during this phase. All courses are taught by New York Tech faculty with strong academic qualifications and practical experiences.

Program Requirements

  • A bachelor degree from New York Tech’s cooperative universities;
  • An official transcript of undergraduate record with an adequate quality point average
  • Acceptable TOEFL or IELTS score
  • Satisfactory score in the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)

Program Benefits

  • Those who have met all the degree requirements shall be awarded a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree from New York Institute of Technology, as well as recognition by the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Education.
  • The opportunity to communicate with outstanding professors and experts who possess strong academic background and extensive business experience.
  • The chance to network with successful CEOs and managers from well-known companies. You will learn about management within a real business context.
  • Access to a pool of more than 100,000 New York Tech alumni worldwide; graduates of the program are eligible to have a personal e-mail account with New York Tech for life.

For more information, please contact Dr. Scott Liu: