Assurance of Learning
Measuring student learning is critical towards evaluating the effectiveness of the school’s academic programs. Employers and other stakeholders alike are always interested in understanding what goals students have accomplished and to what extent, and how the outcomes quality can be validated. It is in this spirit that the school conducts its Assurance of Learning processes.
- Assurance of Learning begins with the determination of program goals for each academic program the School of Management delivers. These program goals are informed by inputs from faculty, students, accreditation standards, employers, and all stakeholders that are invested into the school and its operation. Goals are also developed for all concentrations and majors within each program. The school’s external referencing of all goals among various stakeholder groups ensures that goals are contemporary and relevant to the evolving business landscape;
- All academic courses include student learning outcomes that are common across all sections of a course that is instructed. In this way the school assures its students and all others that specific required learning outcomes for a class are invariant, or uniform, regardless of the instructor. This uniformity also ensures that there is a common learning experience in each class across all sections;
- All academic courses include a contextualized learning goal and a related student learning outcome that either demonstrates how global perspectives impact on the topics being taught (in New York), or how the course is localized to the community where the instruction is being delivered for those locations outside New York. These are in addition to the aforementioned invariant learning goals and otucomes.In this way the curriculum is both globalized and also relevant to the business community that is being served by our graduating students;
- Course goals are aligned with the course’s learning outcomes and represent what the learning outcome’s value is to the employment market. Hence the student can reference these goals when discussing what contribution might be made to the employer, if the student is hired;
- Scores are determined across numerous dimensions of each learning outcome and are related to the learning goals at both the program and major/concentration level. These scores, guided by rubrics, help the school and the student understand the degree to which the student has achieved the learning goals;
- A Student Assessment Scorecard, available to the student throughout the academic experience, helps the student prioritize their learning emphases for the purpose of improving their attainment of the program and major.concentratiion learning goals.
In addition:
- The School of Management holds an annual Assessment Retreat for the purpose of reviewing select goals and the quality of the related student related outcomes. Utilizing the reporting function of the Goal Validation System (GVS) and its analytical power, the curriculum is adjusted, teaching and learning approaches revisited, and other changes affected for the purpose of improving the student ability to attain the learning goals; and
- Each course has a designated Course Leader, from the faculty. Course leaders invest heavily in guiding the development and maintenance of the courses they lead, and serve as principals in the continued improvement of their courses and quality of the student learning outcomes.
For more information please contact:
Dr. Raj Tibrewala
Executive Director of Assessment Analysis and Reporting
Phone: 516.686.1120