Bomb Threats

In the event that NYIT has been notified by voice or in writing, including electronically, that a bomb has been placed on campus, an immediate and efficient response is critical. Every case will be different. Professional judgment is needed in each case.


  • Keep a printed copy of the Bomb Threat Worksheet at their desks and be familiar with the questions to ask if confronted with a threat by phone.
  • Place Office of Campus Security phone number stickers on their phone.
  • Carry laminated NYIT emergency information card with them at all times.
  • Develop an emergency phone chain (with home and cell phone numbers).
  • Designate an off-campus evacuation meeting place.
  • Make the Office of Campus Security aware of individuals within their department who may need special assistance during an emergency.
  • Make the Office of Campus Security aware of any chemicals or other items that may be of concern during an emergency.

Primary Response Team

  • NYIT campuses: Office of Campus Security; Long Island residences: University police; New York City residences: 911
  • Director of facilities or designee
  • Local law enforcement and emergency responders
  • Office of Housing and Residential Life staff

Secondary Response Team

  • Office of Strategic Communications and External Affairs
  • Office of Counseling and Wellness staff
  • Office of Human Resources
  • Office of the President
  • Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Assist and provide for the safety of the NYIT Community in the event of a bomb threat.

Call 911. Follow the established chain of primary responders. The Office of Campus Security will be the first NYIT responders in all emergency events and should be notified immediately. If campus security decides to evacuate a building, campus security and/or the emergency evacuation wardens will act to secure building occupants.


For received voice threat (i.e. by phone):

  • Listen closely, and try to record every word spoken by the person making the call. Ask the caller to repeat the message. (Use attached Bomb Threat Worksheet.)
  • Ask the caller to provide information such as where the bomb is and the time of possible detonation.
  • Advise the caller that the building is occupied and that an explosion could result in death or serious injury to many innocent people.
  • Listen carefully to any background noises such as motors running, music, and or other noises that might provide a clue as to from where the call is being made.
  • Pay particular attention to the voice: gender, accents, and speech impediments.
  • Immediately after the caller hangs up (if possible while the caller is still connected), call 911, report this information to campus security, and follow their instructions.
  • The individual who received the call should remain available, as law enforcement personnel will want to interview you.

For received written threat (i.e. letter or electronic):

  • Avoid unnecessary handling of the note and any materials accompanying it.
  • Save all materials, including any envelope or container.
  • Immediately call 911, and notify campus security, and follow their instructions.

For primary responders:

  • Respond to the scene; initiate emergency response phone chain by calling the director of facilities operations.
  • Inform local law enforcement agencies.
  • Confer with the person(s) who received the threat.
  • Evaluate the information received.
  • Evacuate the building or area in accordance with established building evacuation procedures.
  • Conduct a search.

In the event of an actual explosion, refer to NYIT’s Building Evacuation Policy.