Violent Crime

In the event of a violent felony offense or hate crime on campus, New York Institute of Technology will notify local law enforcement immediately and will conduct an appropriate investigation. 

A violent felony offense is defined under subdivision 1 of section 70.02 of the New York State Penal Law and includes various degrees of serious crimes, among them: murder, assault, kidnap, burglary, arson, robbery, rape, aggravated sexual abuse, and criminal possession of a dangerous weapon.

A hate crime is defined under Article 485 of the New York State Penal Law and also includes various degrees of serious crimes involving violence, intimidation, and destruction of property based upon bias and prejudice against a person’s or group’s protected characteristic(s). 

The only exception to the commencement of an investigation is in the case of a sexual offense. While health and safety concerns may require the dispatching of local law enforcement in response to an incident, victims of sexual offenses will be informed of their right to make a report, or to not make a report, to the university and/or to local law enforcement. Victims of sexual offenses and other violent crimes will be offered assistance in reporting the crimes to local law enforcement should they choose to do so.


All community members should:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious activity to the Office of Campus Security.
  • Download the TechSafe app
  • Take advantage of New York Tech’s Campus Alone Program, which monitors the safety of individuals working on campus during less-active, non-business hours. Call the Office of Campus Security for details.
  • Ask campus security for an escort to and from campus buildings and parking fields at night or any time you necessary.

Primary Response Team

  • Office of Campus Security 
  • Director of Facilities or designee
  • Local law enforcement and emergency responders
  • Office of Housing and Residential Life staff if a residential student is involved
  • Office of the Dean of Students staff

Secondary Response Team

  • Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator, if a sexual offense or hate crime
  • Office of Strategic Communications 
  • Office of Counseling and Wellness, if a student is involved
  • Office of Human Resources, if an employee is involved
  • Office of the General Counsel

New York Institute of Technology is committed to maintaining an educational environment that is free from violent crimes.

Follow the established chain of primary responders. If the situation has caused loss of life or lives are threatened, immediately call 911. The Office of Campus Security will be the first university responders in all emergency events and should be notified immediately.


For victims:

  • Call the Office of Campus Security, or if the situation has caused loss of life or lives are threatened, immediately call 911. (It is best if you do this right away, but campus security will listen to your complaint no matter how long it is made after the incident.)
  • If you would feel more comfortable, report the incident to the Dean of Students at or the dean of housing and residential services.
  • Follow campus security officer instructions.
  • If it is a sexual offense, consider notifying the Title IX Coordinator and find additional information here.
  • Seek help from the New York Tech Counseling and Wellness Center for counseling and support. (All contact made with the Counseling and Wellness Center regarding an incident will remain confidential unless there is an immediate threat of harm to you or others.)

For witnesses:

  • Call the Office of Campus Security.
  • If a threat is still posed, leave the immediate area, but let campus security know where you are. (Local law enforcement will want to interview you.)
  • Stay with the victim(s), if possible, until help arrives.
  • Seek help from the New York Tech Counseling and Wellness Center if you need counseling and support.

For primary responders:

  • Respond to the scene; initiate emergency response phone chain by calling the director of facilities and operations.
  • Find a private space where you can talk with the victim.
  • Be compassionate and non-judgmental. Listen to what the victim wants to do.
  • If the victim is in crisis, call an appropriate professional staff member for assistance; request that the director of security contact 911.
  • Encourage the victim to seek medical care regardless of how long it has been since an assault.
  • For sexual offenses, provide the victim with the Title IX Coordinator’s information, inform them of their right to report or not report the incident, how they may do so, and refer them to the Gender-Based Misconduct and Title IX Policy.
  • Arrange transportation to a medical facility.
  • Provide a support person to accompany person to a healthcare facility.


  • Determine if an emergency notification and/or timely warning is indicated.
  • Ensure an internal incident report is filed and obtain a copy of any local law enforcement report.
  • Ensure appropriate offices are informed so they may provide support services and resources to the victim.
  • Provide appropriate follow up with the campus community.
  • Ensure offenses are reported in accordance with the federal Clery Act, New York State Education Law, and institutional policy.

** Note to Responders
Victims may come forward at varying lengths of time following an incident and may present in a range of emotional states. It is the responsibility of the person contacted to describe the available options for assistance that may apply to each victim’s unique situation. Responses to disclosure often play a key role in the victim’s perception of the incident, and therefore it is essential to give supportive, non-judgmental reactions and for the victim to feel a sense of control in the process.