Administrative Structure

The Assessment Committee of New York Tech’s Academic Senate is the institutional unit that brings together all program assessment activities at the university – for programs with and without professional accreditation, for programs at all locations, and for programs given through all delivery mechanisms. The committee members come from all academic schools and numerous support departments. Its meetings are open and minutes are posted on the web site of the Academic Senate (login required).

The Committee’s mission is to:

  • Raise the visibility of student learning outcomes assessment within New York Tech.
  • Maintain a common, unified, mission-driven process for all of New York Tech’s academic programs.
  • Improve teaching and learning by increasing faculty participation in and knowledge of assessment.
  • Provide feedback to chairs and faculty about whether their assessment process meet the criteria set by the assessment committee based on Middle States standards.
  • Prepare a formal annual report on the status of assessment at the university, including recommendations for improvement.