Core Learning Outcome Assessment

I. New York Tech’s Core Curriculum and Core Learning Outcomes

Beginning with the class entering in the fall of 2010, New York Tech undergraduate students are now required to complete a new 38-credit core curriculum designed to build seven competencies:

  • Communication
  • Literacy
  • Critical/Analytical thinking
  • Interdisciplinary Mindset and Skills
  • Ethical/Moral and Civic Engagement
  • Global Perspective/World View
  • Process and Nature of Sciences and Arts

This new curriculum was created in response to New York Tech’s institutional goal to become “a model 21st-century university” by 2030. Derived from research findings about the skills needed in a 21st-century workforce, the curriculum is outcome-based. Students’ mastery of the seven competencies is measured both during core courses and in their major at the time of graduation.

The foundation for developing and assessing core competences was laid in 2009–2010, when faculty from all degree programs were asked to incorporate instruction on, and assessment of, all seven core learning outcomes into the courses in their majors.

Assessment activities related to this new core curriculum are designed to provide information that: (1) will allow faculty to improve the newly introduced courses; and (2) will demonstrate the degree to which students have attained mastery of the competencies.

II. New York Tech Core Learning Outcomes

III. Procedure of Core Learning Outcome Assessment

In addition to program-specific outcomes, assessment plans for undergraduate programs also include assessment of one core learning outcome per year. Recently assessed core learning outcomes include:

IV. Report on Core Learning Outcome Assessment

V. External Resource

Provided below are great resources for faculty assessing New York Tech core outcomes across all academic disciplines:

VALUE Rubrics (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education) are created by AAC&U (Association of American Colleges and Universities) for assessing students intellectual and practical skills, and personal responsibilities in the following areas:

  • Inquiry and Analysis
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Written Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Reading
  • Quantitative Literacy
  • Information Literacy
  • Teamwork
  • Problem Solving
  • Civic Knowledge
  • Intercultural Knowledge and Competence
  • Ethical Reasoning
  • Foundations and Skills for Lifelong Learning
  • Integrative and Applied Learning