
Chosen for different purposes and administered on regular cycles, surveys provide high-level information on the self-reported attitudes and behaviors of stakeholders across all segments of the university.

Survey results inform strategic planning and resource allocation. In addition, disaggregated results for individual schools are made available to help inform development of action plans by schools and administrative units.

Surveys include:

Graduating Student Surveys

The annual Graduating Student Survey (GSS) provides data on student employment, income, further schooling, and retrospective information about their experiences at New York Institute of Technology. Repeated every year since 1996, longitudinal data are available for further analysis.

National Survey of Student Engagement

The National Survey of Student Engagement (administered every three years, in rotation with the Noel-Levitz survey) provides benchmarked information about student participation in activities that support learning. It was administered for the first time at New York Tech in the spring of 2008 in an effort to increase information from and about students for the purpose of institutional planning.

Student Satisfaction Inventory (Noel-Levitz)

Since 2022, New York Institute of Technology has participated in the Ruffalo Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI). New York Tech administers this survey during the spring semester every three years. The SSI provides valuable information on student satisfaction, opinion, and important issues identified by New York Tech students as well as peer institutions. We hope that you will encourage students to complete the survey, providing important data that academic leaders can use to improve students’ learning and experiences.

Basic information related to the SSI is found below. If you have further questions about the SSI, please contact Mohammed Moizuddin, director ( Thank you for supporting these efforts.

What is the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI)?

A survey instrument that measures student satisfaction and priorities. It assesses both the level of importance and the level of satisfaction that students assign to a variety of statements about their experience.

What does the SSI ask?

The SSI captures a variety of experiences across all class levels, both inside and outside of the classroom, including: instructional effectiveness; academic advising; registration effectiveness; campus climate; safety and security; recruitment and financial aid; and campus life.

A sample survey can be found at:

Who is surveyed?

All current spring 2025 undergraduate and graduate level students (excluding NYITCOM) are invited to participate.

How will the survey be administered?

Students will be contacted via their preferred email as well as text messages to their phone number and will be asked to complete the survey online. Individual survey links will also be posted on each student’s HUB page interface.

When will the survey be administered?

Students will receive notifications on the following dates:

  • Pre-invitation: February 20
  • Invitation: February 24
  • Reminder 1: March 4
  • Reminder 2: March 10
  • Final Reminder: March 28
  • Survey Closes: March 31

How long will it take to complete the survey?

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. In appreciation of students’ participation, New York Tech will enter each student who completes the survey into a drawing to win one of 15 $40 gift cards.

What type of results does New York Institute of Technology receive?

Ruffalo Noel-Levitz provides participating institutions with reports that compare student responses to peer institutions. The results that are provided clearly identify institutional strengths (items with high importance and high satisfaction) as well as institutional challenges (items with high importance and low satisfaction).