News & Campus Communications

President Foley Announces Middle States Update

April 23, 2019

I’d like to update you on our Middle States Commission on Higher Education accreditation. We successfully submitted our self-study on March 15. On April 15-16, one member of the visiting team had a successful visit to our Vancouver campus. The entire team will be here from April 28 to May 1. While visiting our Long Island campus, they will have nearly 50 meetings with 170 individuals, including faculty, staff, students, alumni, and trustees.

Traditionally, the team’s report is read on the last day of the visit, just before the team departs. The event is open to any interested member of the New York Tech community. I’d like to personally invite you to join us!

Middle States has some interesting requirements regarding the report. The team comes into the room, reads the draft of the report they will submit, and leaves. There are no comments or questions allowed. The event is not allowed to be recorded or streamed, so if you’d like to participate, you must be present in person.

The report will be read promptly at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, in the Riland Auditorium. Please plan to arrive no later than 9:45 a.m., so everyone can be seated before the team arrives.

Thank you to the many people who are working to make this a successful visit! I hope to see you on May 1.

President Foley Announces Submission of Middle States Self Study to New York Tech Community

April 5, 2019

I am happy to report that we have successfully submitted New York Tech’s Middle States Self-Study as part of our decennial reaccreditation (available here). I would like to thank all members of the New York Tech community who contributed their valuable feedback in producing this document. Special thanks also to Fran Glazer, Dina Karafantis, and Linda Matthews for their tireless efforts in leading New York Tech’s Middle States reaccreditation efforts.

Well done!

President Foley to Speak at Second Middle States Town Hall

February 21, 2019

On Thursday, February 21, all members of the New York Tech community are invited to participate in the Second Middle States Town Hall with President Foley. He will report on the December 6 preliminary visit of the Middle States team chair, as well as the upcoming site visit April 28 – May 1. He will also review the revised self-study and discuss any new recommendations. All are encouraged to attend this campus-wide event during free hour (12:30 – 1:50 p.m. ET). This community meeting will take place on the Long Island (Riland auditorium), New York City (NYIT Auditorium on Broadway), Arkansas (Wilson Hall, room 119) and Vancouver (room 1728) campuses.

Communications from Administration to New York Tech Community

November 30, 2018

To New York Tech faculty and staff:

I am happy to report that the latest version of New York Tech’s self-study draft was submitted to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) visiting team last week.

The chair of the MSCHE visiting team will visit New York Tech on Thursday, December 6, to discuss next steps. I invite you to read the latest self-study here. (To see all the linked appendices, download to your computer and open with Acrobat Reader.)

At this time, I’d like to give a big thank you to the New York Tech community members who contributed to this report, especially the following individuals and their respective teams:

  • MSCHE Steering Committee co-chairs Karen Friel, D.H.S., adjunct professor; Francine Glazer, Ph.D., associate provost for educational innovation and director of the Center for Teaching and Learning; and Dina Karafantis, Ph.D., associate professor;
  • Hattie Arnone, Ph.D., consultant;
  • Bobbie Dell’Aquilo, executive director of strategic communications;
  • Kathleen Gill, Ph.D., director of research, assessment and decision support;
  • Michael Lane, director of institutional research;
  • Linda Matthews, senior information specialist; and
  • Michael Urmeneta, director of analytics and business intelligence.

Please join me in congratulating all of them on a job well done! Stay tuned for further updates.


Junius Gonzales, M.D., M.B.A.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

President Foley Emphasizes Importance of Continuous Program Improvement (CPI) Initiative With MSCHE Changes

October 22, 2018

One of the key developments of our Middle States reaccreditation is the rollout of the Continuing Program Improvement (CPI) initiative, which emerged out of the Assessment Committee discussions prior to the start of the reaccreditation process. It is designed to optimize New York Tech operations across every academic and administrative department. To ensure that CPI tasks are performed to their fullest potential, Kathleen Gill, director of planning and assessment, will focus exclusively on these activities.

Taking her place as co-chair of the Middle States Steering Committee will be Francine Glazer, associate provost and director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, who has served on the committee since its inception. These personnel changes will ensure that Kathy’s expertise is directed exclusively toward CPI during its crucial first year (though she will remain a Steering Committee member) while leveraging Fran’s institutional knowledge of New York Tech to lead reaccreditation efforts.

In addition, though she is departing New York Tech in the coming months, Professor Karen Friel has agreed to stay on as a consultant to assist with the Middle States process. As we announced at last week’s Middle States Town Hall, Associate Professor Dina Karafantis will replace her as Steering Committee co-chair and work alongside Fran.

Please join me in thanking Fran, Karen, and Dina for their dedication as they continue to lead Middle States efforts, and Kathy for her related CPI efforts, all of which are intended to improve the quality of New York Tech academic programs, student services, and administrative operations.

President Foley to Speak at Middle States Town Hall

On Tuesday, October 9, all members of the New York Tech community are invited to participate in the Middle States Town Hall with President Foley. He will discuss New York Tech’s preliminary draft self-study that will be submitted to the Middle States Commission of Higher Education (MSCHE) as part of NYIT’s decennial reaccreditation process. All are encouraged to attend this campus-wide event during free hour (12:45 – 2:10 p.m. EST). This community meeting will take place on the Long Island (Harry Schure Hall auditorium), New York City (New York Tech Auditorium on Broadway), Arkansas (Wilson Hall, room 316) and Vancouver (room 1728) campuses.

Middle States Liaison Dr. Stephen Pugliese To Visit New York Tech, Provide Campus Briefing On Tuesday, Sept. 19

The self-study for New York Tech’s reaccreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) will be formally kicked off with a visit from New York Tech’s new MSCHE liaison, Stephen Pugliese, on Tuesday, September 19. Pugliese will spend the day on New York Tech’s Long Island campus, where he will meet with President Foley, representatives from the Board of Trustees, the MSCHE Steering Committee, and other New York Tech leadership. Dr. Pugliese will also be briefing the entire New York Tech community about the upcoming self-study process and New York Tech’s reaccreditation from 2:15 – 3:15 p.m. that day. The community briefing will take place in the Harry Schure Hall Auditorium on the Long Island campus, with DL sites on the Manhattan (room 708 at 1855 Broadway), Arkansas (DL room 119), and Vancouver (room 1728) campuses.

Pugliese joined MSCHE in June of this year as vice president. He most recently served Mount Aloysius College in Cresson, Penn., as Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, a role in which he also served as the college’s accreditation liaison officer for MSCHE. He has also served as Vice President for Student Development and Undergraduate Enrollment  at Immaculata University, Dean of Students at Marywood University, Director of Residence Life at King’s College, and Assistant to the Dean of Students at Villanova University. Dr. Pugliese earned his Ph.D. from Marywood University, his M.S. from Villanova University, and his B.A. from Kutztown University.

All members of the New York Tech community are encouraged to attend the campus briefing by Dr. Pugliese.