Faculty & Staff Resources
Help Students Launch Careers
The Office of Career Success and Experiential Education helps your students find employment in their areas of study. You can help provide valuable guidance and professional links to our industry partners as they seek qualified candidates for employment. Your support ensures a seamless transition from student to member of the 21st-century workforce.
How You Can Help
Career Commons Modules in Canvas
Our goal to bridge academic and career development stems from the need to meet new demands in today’s rapidly changing workplace. We know that students who participate in career-focused activities, obtain experiential opportunities, and connect with industry professionals while in school often find themselves better prepared and more competitive upon graduation. To assist this process, we’ve developed several ready-to-go career modules that can be modified to meet specific needs. Each module comes with an introduction, learning outcomes, activities, action items and information to facilitate curriculum integration. We encourage you to join the group and enhance your course with career exploration and professional development assignments.
Consultants for the Public Good
Become a senior consultant to advise student groups tackling a community client project.
Professional Contacts
The Office of Career Success and Experiential Education works directly with employers across several industries. We encourage you to share your professional affiliations to help us match students and alumni with employment opportunities.
Recommendation Letters
Faculty members are often asked to provide letters of reference that illustrate the professional qualifications and demeanor of students. When writing these letters, please consider:
- In what capacity and how long have you known the student?
- How has the student performed in areas relevant to the position they are applying to?
- Why would you recommend this student for employment?
Volunteer and Community Service
If you are involved in community service, this could provide valuable learning experiences for students. Volunteer work helps them cultivate their global responsibility, build professional networks, and serve as New York Tech ambassadors to local neighborhoods.
Contact Us
New York City: 212.261.1537
Long Island: 516.686.7527
Help Us Find Out Where Our Students Are Working: When we know where our students are working, interning, or volunteering, we can help them maximize their professional development. Ask students you teach and advise to let us know where they land.