Career Services for Alumni

A degree from New York Institute of Technology is a valuable asset in the professional marketplace! Whether you are new to the job market or looking for a new opportunity, want to pursue graduate school or professional development opportunities, are looking to hire bright New York Tech alumni, or want to find ways to stay connected with New York Tech, our office can help you make the right connections.

Elevate Your Career

We can help to clarify your professional goals, create/improve your resume and cover letter, find a position that matches your New York Tech undergraduate or graduate degree and professional goals, prepare for an interview, and create/update your LinkedIn profile. Contact our counselors at to set up an appointment. You can also begin your search on the Handshake job board, dig deeper with CareerShift, attend a career fair as a potential employee or employer, or use available industry-focused job search engines. International students should check out these additional resources.

Handshake: Career Hub for Alumni

Finding or switching jobs, networking, and building a career can be a daunting task. Handshake is here to help!

You can use Handshake to schedule an appointment with a career adviser, upload your resume, search for employers, apply for jobs and internships, view events and fairs, and access career resources.

As alumni, you should update your Handshake profile with your non-NYIT email address to continue using Handshake after you graduate. Alumni having trouble accessing Handshake? Email us at

Network with Fellow Alumni

Upon graduation, you become part of the New York Tech Alumni Association. This global network of more than 114,000 alumni includes industry leaders, entrepreneurs, doctors, scientists, educators, engineers, designers, and professionals in several industries around the world. Alumni networking events can help you meet other graduates and our professional development opportunities can help further your career. Email to learn more.

Professional Associations can provide another excellent networking resource to help keep you up-to-date in your field and learn about jobs and other professional opportunities.

Polish Your Social Media Presence

As you make your way through the professional world, it becomes more important to review your social media accounts. Identify what information you are making public on your Facebook page and X (Twitter) feed, for example, and know that employers and co-workers can see this information as well. Decide which information you want to share with the outside world—many companies will get their first impression of you by looking at your social media.

We recommend using LinkedIn to connect with other alumni and network with other professionals. Create your profile and join the New York Tech University page, and visit Career Success and Experiential Education on your campus—where you can get suggestions on how to best use your LinkedIn account to boost your visibility among employers and find the positions you want.

Consider Graduate School

Earning an advanced degree can enhance your range of career opportunities including:

  • Greater employment prospects.
  • Better salary.
  • More advancement opportunities.
  • Professional licensure (in some cases).

Check out our graduate and advanced certificate programs. Career Success and Experiential Education can help identify the programs that align with your professional goals, and we’ll assist you with the application process. You may also be eligible for a New York Tech Alumni Scholarship.