Annual External Assessment
The School of Management holds its annual external assessment in the spring semester.
Each spring, the Dean’s Advisory Board Spring Workshop focuses on assessing student learning outcomes. This well-planned event involves all stakeholders including the school’s Dean’s Advisory Board membership, industry partners, alumni, student representatives, and faculty, including course leaders. All particiapnts receive representative samples of student work – based on their areas of domain expertise – prior to the meeting for their review against a Master Syllabus and its stated course goals. They come prepared with questions and comments.
During these workshops, participants join faculty members and students of the courses being evaluated. The role of the faculty members and students is to demonstrate how the samples of the assignments link to and are in support of attainment of the course goals. The industry particpants challenge the student work and attmept to measure the extent to which the stated course goals are evidenced by the student work. Through collaborative dialog, the board membesr/industry partners listen to the students and faculty members and provide feedback on how well the various student artifacts achieve the course goals and then offer written recommended changes for improvement.
Each year, the School of Management assesses a different program as a part of its cyclical assessment progress.
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