Master Portfolios
What are Master Portfolios?
Master portfolios are documented evidence of student work. The portfolios each include a Master Syllabus and one sample for each of the required “Assurance of Learning Validations,” or required student work, as documented in Section 5 of the respective syllabus.
For what purpose are Master Portfolios created?
The primary purpose of Master Portfolios is to evidence the overall high-quality content that is embedded within numerous artifacts of student learning. Master Portfolios are created for each School of Management academic program, prior to the initial External Assessment Retreat, in support of the respective program. Portfolios are created for each course in the core of the program.
Master Portfolios are reviewed prior to the Annual External Assessment Retreat by current New York Tech students in the reviewed program, and external participants such as Dean’s Advisory Board members, New York Tech alumni, industry leaders, employers, and New York Tech faculty at the retreat. These stakeholder groups discuss the Master Portfolios at the retreat. External participants are asked to provide written feedback, at the conclusion of the retreat, concerning their perception of the degree to which the student work demonstrates the attainment of the course-level learning goals. Written feedback is then utilized by the School of Management to affect changes to the courses to address noted concerns. The anticipated outcome is an improvement in the quality of learning during the upcoming year.
One School of Management program is assessed each year.
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